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AT Yaa Arkay ????

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Xaalka maxaad igaga qaadi sow nin muu ahayn mise waxaad leedahay waa gabadh ?? ,,

'Af caytame ninkiisaas ku yaalaa' say the reer xamar...aaway Kool_Kat sheemo haku dhahdee :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Hadaan dhaho saxiibkaa JB waa calool & mindhiqir isku muudsade ,,, armuu sanka kaa qabsadaa?


Ninkaan kugu diri rabo waa ugaaskii reeraha ee hada la soco. :D

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A & T nin u eg baa jooga SOL. Waxaa magaciisa la yiraahda, Mintid Farayar.


Of A & T many things could be said, laakiin allow soo nabad celi baan ku gaabsaday :D

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May be the members he would like to keep in touch with are on FB.


Intaana dhihin balaayo ha gasho ,,, bal meesha nooga sheekee xiinow. smile.gif

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