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10 ways you know your Somali

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10 ways you know your Somali:cool:


1) You make conversations in high pitched voices and the person is standing in front of you :mad:

2) You accuse the shopkeeper of being racist when he kindly asks you to pay for your packet of crisps

3) Your mobile phone "just happens to ring" when you see a member of the opposite sex

4) You invite the world to your wedding night but no one starts at the time written on your invitation card

5) You dance at a complete stranger’s wedding (and claim you are a distant relative) smile.gif

6)You somehow thinks you invincible when you see AN older Somali woman with loads of shopping bags smile.gif

7) You hardly ever take prescribed medicines because your parents have them all smile.gif

8) You accuse a Somali boy of fancying you because he asked you if you needed help :confused:

9) You wonder why people stare when you hire out a car, because they saw you yesterday with a banger :cool:

10) Your entire family runs the marathon when they see a dog (calmly walking on the other side of the road) smile.gifsmile.gif


Are these point true about Somali, what do you think??

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^Ala bal beenta intaas le eg arka...Mugoo ani Chihuahua xataa waanka ordaa...So is my daughter and she is only a year and eight months...I guess it just runs in our blood...


NO. 1 & 10 are the truest of them all...

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War she is not even two years old, maxey cabsi ka taqaan...But all I know is that when she sees a dog, she says 'dooyy mommie' and hides behind me...I don't know meeshey ka aragtay iney ka baqdo...


Walaa eey yaan jecleen, walaa mukulaalaan jecleen...Wax aduunka socodobo bini aadan leeba ka baqin, inta kale, I walk the other way...

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kool -kat ,

War she is not even two years old, maxey cabsi ka taqaan...

kool-kat kkkkkkkkkk walahi waa qoslay cunugta yartaa soo ma leh feelings lols.

Teeda kale waxaa dhici karta in aa ku soo korisey xuux hooya eeyga ka carar or uff hooyo ha taban eeyga waa xaraam etc lols ileen hooyo somali baa tahaye dont get me wrong love somali mums ...


laakiin i agree with ya walahi somalida eeyga waa ka cabsadaan. in uu nijaaseeyo kaliya ugama cararaan e waa ka cabsadaan for real lols



-I'm gonna have to reject all of them,and I only run away from German shepherds like all black people should!


while i never seen german shepherds laakiin i am sure hada hadaan chiwawa yar or Chihuahua (sweet litle dog) kuu keeno waa ordi laheeyd smile.gifsmile.gif

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I wish someone had taught me to run away from dogs when I was little instead of smilin at them having my leg nearly chewed off for my efforts :mad:


Run kids run! ;)

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Kool...This web page should explains your baby's reaction to dogs. It is your interaction with her that taught her to be fearful of dogs.


LoooooooL@afraid jiwaawa. Will gonna and give it to my Chinese buddy so he could have for dinner

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Ok, seriously now people, I did not teach her to be 'fearful' of dogs...She's never seen me interact with a dog, so I don't know...May be she is just 'fearful' of it, cuz it is not human and looks different - little four legged creature...Teeda kalena waxaanba ku arkay, waxaan 'XUUX' dhahabo iney ka hesho...So may be I should try saying 'SHASHAX' wixii 'XUUX' ah...

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