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Adoring Ugbaad (A true Story)

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Adoring Ugbaad


(A True Story)


She raised the killer metal chunk and aimed for his skull. Her eyes were in tears as she knew her acts are in contravention of her religion, her values and her interests. Much more, her son will be an orphan soon. The man who slumbered peacefully on the bed had no idea of what was going on. He couldn’t suspect it coming. The last time he talked to his wife was when they justified their connubial bond by relentlessly swapping all they had for the night.


In fact, that wasn’t the last thing he would have remembered had someone cared to wake him up and ask him, moments before his impending death. It was what he saw in the mirror in the toilet. Feeling a sharp nagging pain at the back, just under his shoulders, he turned and looked at the gaping wounds on his back. He smiled graciously. For a moment he wondered whether he has to tease her. “You need to cut your long nails. They are lethal” he wanted to say. But he didn’t. Nothing did he know of what was in store.


Then, he was awakened by the wailing cry of Ugbaad, who kept on alternately kissing his feet and his head, shedding a sea of tears.


“I killed you. I killed you. Go away Satan! Go away Satan! What have I done?” she cried at the top of her voice.


Not fully aware of what is going on, Ayaanle saw, through misty eyes, her beautiful face. It evoked memories of their first night together, before she became the mother of his two kids –Yasiin and Muna: The tiny room in Hotel Paradiso. Yes, it was there, where he finally took her after six months of waiting. Because his friends told him that it was really the first night or never, he ate very well and finalised his preparations with two cups of milk. They told him the more he drinks, the more he delivers.


“The milk is not fresh today. As a good client, I need to tell you. Will you wait for until 9:00 a.m when I will get the new consignment?” The grocery owner asked him.


“No. 9:00 a.m is late. Give me what you have. It should be fine.”


After they reclined on the Sofa near the ‘arena’, and have gone through some of the formalities, Ayaanle rushed to the toilet which was so close because the room was so tiny. His stomach was churning and turning, giving odd sounds. He felt like letting all the stocks inside go. And yet the embarrassment was to be even more damning. He can’t let his temporary intestinal complications destroy his intrinsic worth. He is known as a shy and good young man by everyone. If he could manage to get such an accolade by keeping his mouth shut, why allow his a$$ humiliate him? -especially when it mattered so much. He can lose her, but not his dignity. He came out of the toilet with sweaty forehead.


“What is wrong with you?” She asked.


“Nothing. It is hot inside.” He replied.


“So, tell me. Who told you I said you only married me because you lost Ismahaan?”


“Why are you bringing the story of Ismahaan and irrelevant personalities into this?” he asked in rage.


He wanted to unfetter himself from the biting hell in the inner tract. So, he thought, the right moment of salvation has arrived. The moment of deliverance. He spitted on her face, accused her of rumour-mongering, wagged his fingers admonishing her not to ever mention the name of Ismahaan and kicked her out of the room number 205.


As soon as she left, he lunged to the toilet panting. For him, it was the exigency of the moment and the need to be respectable that dictated the innovative move. For her, it marked the start of her sustained problem that led her to cut his head after nearly three years. She knows he doesn’t love her.


In truth, he does. And when she confronted him in front of his families and at times her families, questioning his care, she always lost.


“Have I abused you, physically, verbally, or in another way ever?” He would ask,


“No. You didn’t. But you have abused me mentally and emotionally.”


“How? When?"


"Every minute of the day. The way you look at me. The way you talk to me. It all tells me I am here just because you think I should be. Not because you want me.”


“How do you want me to show that I love you? That I care about you?”

“It is too late. The damage to my head is done.”


“Have I ever declined a request you made? Or have I ever sounded like I wanted somebody else?” he asked,


“Decline my request?!! O! The lucky ones are told “…No dear, I won’t give you”. Me, I am like the slave who should be given all he asks because God will punish the owner if he doesn’t take care of him.”


She would grumble and continue, “You buy me everything. But that is not important. And you, wanting another women? I never saw a hint of it. I think you hate all women because of me.”


Fully awake, he was perplexed. He was alive, but she was saying he is dead. Then, to his dismay, she told him all that happened.


“I wanted to kill you tonight. Please forgive me my husband.” Her tears flowed, as she kept on hugging and kissing him.


“I wanted to be your wife. I still want to be. But, I think I am just a slave. I think I am here just because you are a good man who wants to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of me. I admire your kindness and mercy but that not what I would have liked.”


He asked, “Fine. I know you think I am not returning your love in equal measure. But why did you think of killing me? Especially when I least suspected?”


She cried, “Please don’t hate me for this. When you told me I can go and take rest with my family, because we have been having bad time of late, I thought the final valediction has dawned. I am a wicked person. And I am ready to accept a divorce.”


He reminded her it was her request that she goes to her family, after she gave him three days ultimatum to cut the nuptial manacle and ‘set her free from the hell she was in’.


“Yes, I still ask for a divorce. I can’t live like this.” She said. And she stood up for a prayer.

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Beautiful story that is beautifully told. I'd love to be married to such a woman. I'd drive her even crazier with hints, winks and mad schemes. I think the correct Somali expression here would be: xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax :D

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Friends- Afro, DS Nuune, and Ngonge- thanks for the generosity in your summary. All of you are firmly in my bag and I don't expect less from you.


I would like to see the impartials like Dhulqarneyn come in to comment. And of course Xaaji Xundjuf (provided JB translates to him correctly). :D


Afro- I infact haven't told the whole story. I am tempted to add one more episode of what Ugbaad did to her man the other night. Soon to come.

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^^ Typical Somali bad eska teheen adigo eyo tan Afro la daho. Wax aad ka ashtakootan ma waayaaysan..marna sonkorta edin ku yar, marna bariisko is not cooked well..etc..etc..


(that snapshot was perfect as it was).

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Typical Arab, indeed, Afro is a wonderful lady. I thank you for seeing something of her in me. Beesaani-You know how to make a friend happy.


Waxaan ku idhi, the man who is married to Ugbaad is fed up. He is saying farahaan ka qaadayaa. What do you think?

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I guess this story is pointing out that it's in human nature to never be content with what one has. To find wrong doing in everything. But, Lord this lady takes everything to another level. But, am amazed the guy is well disciplined lol putting up with all this..


“Decline my request?!! O! The lucky ones are told “…No dear, I won’t give you”. Me, I am like the slave who should be given all he asks because God will punish the owner if he doesn’t take care of him.”



this part had me laughing. she is soo good at twisting everything and making herself look victim...bless her!!

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I'd say NEVER. It would be a great shame if he did. Ugbaad, despite all her other faults, seems to worship (figuratively speaking of course) the earth he walks on. Where in the world is he going to get a woman like that? Did you not see the woman on the other thread planning to freeze her eggs? Such devotion is rare, saaxib.



I was talking to nuune and afro but I'm always glad to give you the opportunity to misunderstand things, as long as they open new doors for you of course. :D

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A&T the story was a nice read but you are ever comfortable with the taboo. Your writing style is excellent but most conservative Somalis like me find the theme appalling.

Like Thomas Hardy your stories might become tolerated 50 years after your death however I hope that’s not the case as it would entail a decline in morality.

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^Thiery, his stories are ever present, and at times, a little dated. The only thing new is that he is writing about it.


A&T...nicely delivered. I hope Xiin enjoy it as much as the rest of us :D

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Originally posted by Afr0 GirL:

“You guys look like you’re having so much fun"


Ngonge dadka qar haka tuurin masaakinta ah

Dadko wa kuway? halkan laba qof ba khatar ku jira, ka ugbaad qaba eyo mid kale anaan magaciisa sheegi karin. Kolay ka ugbaad qaba bad adigo ka naxday, so maha? :D

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LoooooooooooL @ NGonge ...kan ugbaad qabo kama nixine ardaalkan aad godka kuridiisa ayaan unaxsanahay ... When you play Word Twist, your goal is to guess a hidden phrase...

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Loooool waraa ngonge ardaayga haa ubaaqin naag walaan a walba ma raadsanidoone, (there are sophisticated ways of vetting while the subject is in quarantine).


Serenity I am sure there are worse stories out there and I suspect A&T knows of this but has wisely chosen to censor himself. But I don’t understand the purpose of these stories are.

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