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This is what well help Somalia rise again!

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Animals can fight and kill something, so picking up a gun is not as noble as many think. Education is the key! We need the educated to return and help the people, we have enough gunmen there, we don't need anymore travelling there to kill.






The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Sayid Usuf Raza Gailani awarded a gold medal to a Somali student. The student, named Mr. Yoonis Hasan Hussein (Alifow), was awarded the medal for graduating with highest GPA (4 out of 4) and becoming the first in a class of 90 students graduating with Master of Science in Economics (MSc Economics) at the Collage of Economic Studies at the International Islamic University of Islamabad (IIUI).


The awarding ceremony was well organized and took place at the convention hall of the university.


It is not the first time Mr. Yoonis is awarded a gold medal for academic achievement. In 2008, he received a gold medal from Sahrad University of Science and Information Technology Peshwar (SUIT) by graduating the first in his class for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).


At today’s ceremony, 2267 students received degrees. Six of those receiving the degrees received PhDs. Prime Minister Raza Gailani awarded gold medals to the 34 students who graduated at the top of their classes.


IIUI University is the third largest university in Pakistan according to the President of the university Dr. Anwar Sidiqi. The university was established in 1985. Students from several countries including Somalia, Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, Bosnia and Ghana study at the university

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Congrats indeed, Pakistan have given us Somalis great opportunities through out the years. We should thank Pakistan for hosting thousands and thousands of Somali families and educating our people.

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Originally posted by -MARX-:

Thats my cousin with 'our' distinct awadalite nose. Mashallah indeed. Runs in the family. If you know what I mean.


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LOL@ to all somalilanders...war ninyoho qadiyada weey kugu fogaatay sixun waliba smile.gif maad iska dhahid Gonrgrats to all somalis lol

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