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BNP Members List Leaked - Spot the Islamophobes in your Neighbourhood

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The Racist British National Party has lost its membership list - the whole thing has been published online. The list includes names, addresses, 'phone numbers and email addresses of all members up to September 2008. Many entries also contain more personal comments about jobs or hobbies. That's how we know that that BNP members include receptionists, district nurses, amateur historians, pagans, line dancers and a male witch.


A spokesman for the BNP was unaware of the leak but didn't sound too surprised: "It wouldn't surprise me if someone has done this, but they'll be in trouble, not just under the Data Protection Act but also for contempt of court - there's an ongoing court case."


UKIP recently rejected overtures from the BNP suggesting an electoral pact. Meanwhile, UKIP's most famous ex-member, Robert Kilroy Silk is currently strutting his stuff on I'm a Celebrity...while collecting his MEP salary of course.


You can read the response of some outraged racists here (
&postID=30068178538190898 2). The most poignant comment is that of an anti-facist who says "I hope that each and everyone of you now feels what it is like to live with constant fear of the intimidation and victimisation caused by racists and narrow minded people like you."


The list was originally published on this website
but the website was removed at 0030, 19th November. Copies of the list are flying around the internet and have been published in their entirety by the famous wikileaks website


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^The worse was the comformation that there are doctors,nurses,teachers and police officers in that list..


I bet Mr so and so in my school is on that list,the dude just wants to burst every time he sees or hears about foreigners.

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^^^No but the general expectation is thugs, and people who do not mix with the general mixed population, mostly isolated cases. But the list exposed people who were for example working on issues such as race and equality. The police structure is also known to be racist, but then to see how many serving officers are on the list.... :(



P.s. Hopefully, some will leave their jobs as a result.

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Ibti, I think there are some legal implications of printing these lists? BNP might sue some people, is ilali hoy.


Seriously, I don't think their names should be exposed or shamed, so long as they dont bring their political views into public and try to propogate in schools, etc. And it's not hardly fair on their families. Would it be right if every member of Hizb u tahrir was exposed?

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^^^Did you just compare HT (as mad and misguided as they are) With BNB? :D


I did not publish anything dear. There is an on going legal case.

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Is a breach of Security andcivil liperties, i hope tat little indain/sir lankan looking lady will come out and denfend their case about how civil liperties needs to be protected. or will the BNB also blame outside contractors like the Government did when they lost all those computer files.


I would not be suprised if this is all a PR excercise by the BNB themselves, now their image will change that actually everyday average JOE and Jane agree with their policies.

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I cannot believe people are arguing for these people sake :eek:


That "little indian lady" as you call her from Liberty only ever defends those worth defending.


BG nice of you to worry about their Families, I assume the Muslim families do not count when they are torn apart for the same supposed "spreading hate" crime.

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^^My point dee, They should be treated Like I am, followed, bullied, recorded, quizzed and criminalised! Either that, or I must be given the same rights, we are after all just at the different ends of extremism.


In any case I think with the exception of Bin Ladens crew, the rest of Muslims are not as extreme, nor can we be compared or put on the same comparison scale.

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^^Ibti followed? I though you were a model citizen. ur not al majarinne? god forbid?



ps. BNP and Hizb U Tahrir,although on different sides, occupy a similar place in the British political establishment. Ibti, Muslim families or not, I just think it is a bit reckless to publish someones personal details because they are members a party which is not even illegal.

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^^^I think there are certain jobs, which should require to you to disclose if you belong to any extreme groups.


I am a model citizen, I speaking for the community as whole, we are under a magnify glass. I don't belong to any group, extreme or not. Angia aya group aah :D


Although I would not campaign to have them freely publish the date, I am certainly not objecting to this mistake they made.


But I’ve been thinking, maybe it is not a mistake after all, maybe it is a publicity stunt to show that people who are members of BNP are average Joe, and hence it is Okay to belong to them.

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lol...Ibti caadi ma tihid sidee u heshay? I read it on the news laakiin waan heli waayey.



Ceeb badanaa! What would Nick do. I heard him saying they will rely on European Human Rights Court on taking action against those who did this. Yaabka yaabkiis he doesnt even recognize the body uu rabo inuu u dacwoodo.


You know what I once read an article on a newspaper that They (BNP) once had a party around Christmass time (with their leader Nick and other officials attending) and needed a DJ they then searched for one and found him I think on the Business directory. Of course one doesn't mention his colour there. They contacted him and negotiated with the DJ who did not sound any of the people they did not want. They invited him to entertain them. Guess what, when guests filled in the venue this black guy comes in with his and it was last minute that they couldn't get for a replacement.

The funny think is the guy did his job 100% and was not bothered by their behaviour although things were less extreme than it was supposed to be that night because of the unwanted man....loooooooool


Kuwaan weligoodba ceeb kama baxayaan.

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You cannot complain about your civil liberties on the one hand and encourage the abuse of the civil liberties of others on the other, Ibti. Have you no principles, woman? ;)


As for being vilified. They ARE. Have you not been reading the newspapers? Even The Sun has pictures of some of the people on that list.

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