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LOL Emperor, you can see that I am oldie on this site, tried out in my younger days...but as I get older the back and forth messaging gets on my nerves and once I start school or work I tend to disappear for a few months, I wouldn't want to leave a trail of broken hearts


Stoic haha...lovely analogy

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^So am I my dear, so am I! the shy ones have to be feeling lonely and left out in this flirt central zone of SOL, but I have a pleasant fact for you, they are for each other :D;)

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^^Alla dadkan maxaa shiddo haysa :D . Markaan aqriyey waxaad soo qorteen waxaan damcay inaan Serenity pm gareeyo al yacni calaa foorjo...too bad her pm is ful.

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^LOol @ calaa foorjo... Oday Xiin Albaabki miyaa lagaa xirtayna? :D , Adeer minyaro gaad baa tahay, SOL-na gadhaha jooga way ka xajiimoodaan minyaranimo, horaan kuugu sheegay Wacaddalle albaab badanoo xiran waad ku lug go'aysaa...



PS: Haven't heard the word 'Calaa foorjo' for years, it sounds nice :D

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^Adeer if you can't open it in the conventional way and haven't got the key, use a hammer or other tools to break that door... :D

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The guy went beserk!


Originally posted by Ibtisam:

with the exception of North, who just needs a football to complete his look. lool



I was never there!

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OMG, that's the funniest thing I have seen ever! Why was everyone still standing about whilst the lunatic was raining monitors on them?


What a vicarious thrill, though! I feel much better for having watched it.



ME, how could you have missed the Swahili-flavoured flirting between STOIC and CL? :D

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Val....She jilted me long time.I suspect she left me for one of those Londernistans .


PS I will only add you as a freind any day even if it upsets she who must be obeyed.This is only if you will let me. :D

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^ Hey, it happens. At least she didn't leave you for a N-American or an Aussie - Reer London are pretty fab.


Re. FB, I don't mind you adding me but am not sure I want to be your small act of rebellion! Plus, She Who Must Be Obeyed sounds like something to behold. What if she comes after me? Who's gonna protect me, ey? Ey?

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^^^Don't worry as long as you can make a snotty wisecracks at her you be fine and I will defend you as a cousin from other side of the world. ;)


PS I'm heading out of work now.Take care and have a nice weekened.

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