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Cameron Says Ban HT

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Cameron Says Ban HT


David Cameron during Prime Minister's Question Time has vociferously called for the banning of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain. His accusation that Hizb ut-Tahrir calls for the killing of Jews is a crude and superficial attempt to malign the party. John Reid responded from the back benches that the government has reviewed the grounds for banning HTB and have found no evidence for proscription. He also pointed out that a challenge would inevitably be counter-challenged and very possibly fail.


As the political temperature has increased in recent days, PMQ's gives us a glimpse of the political discussion ahead. Cameron, egged on by his small neo-conservative cabal persists in his blind endevour to ban any expression of political Islam. The government, on the other hand, sees the promotion of a new form of Islam (an apolitical one) and a desire to win 'hearts and minds' as the way forward.




So from going to live with Muslim families to this, what do you all think, about HT, banning them, and Cameron views in general.

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^^I do like the BNP, but when I applied for membership they told me I was too dark to join, they told me if I was a light skin Asian I would’ve had a chance, as long as it does not become public! :D


I don't particularly like the HT (bit dream like, and useless, crazy impossible ideology) but I do not think they are terrorist and should be banned, while the likes of BNP Nick is allowed to run around free!. Can you imagine the whole of the Asian Community is HT, when I was in university, they run the Islamic society, if they were banned, all these maskeen Asians will be locked up.



Jac: What do you mean?

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I don't approve of any groups, still, I'm sure the Tory Leader has more pressing issues at hand...

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Cameron got it wrong

The Tory leader was wrong to accuse Hizb ut-Tahrir of anti-semitism. We are utterly opposed to any form of race-based discrimination or hatred.


At PMQs this week David Cameron accused Hizb ut-Tahrir of being anti-semitic. He is not the first, nor will he be the last, but he is, on this as well as many other matters, utterly wrong. Hizb ut-Tahrir, while utterly and unashamedly opposed to Israel, is similarly utterly and unashamedly opposed to racism, tribalism, nationalism and any other form of race-based discrimination or hatred.


Mr Cameron said: "This organisation [Hizb ut-Tahrir] says, 'Jews should be killed wherever they are found'." Utter nonsense! Mr Cameron has either not done his research properly, or deliberately misled the House of Commons. He has selectively misquoted a Qur'anic verse which defines rules of engagement. The verse addresses the repelling of invasion or occupation of land, and explicitly addresses that and nothing else: "Kill them [meaning invading forces - NOT Jews] wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drive you out; for persecution (oppression or sedition) is worse than killing." The same verse then clearly goes on to say: "But if they desist, then, verily, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Read in its entirety it addresses those resisting occupation to not only fight, but to cease fighting when the invader ceases fighting - ie not to transgress limits and take wanton revenge: the motivation in war that led Salahuddin to liberate Jerusalem, but not to be vindictive to his enemy.


It is rich of Mr Cameron, who supported the war that has killed more than 650,000 civilians in Iraq, as well as backing the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon last summer, to lecture others on the sanctity of life.


Cameron has selectively misquoted a phrase from a leaflet that was written in Palestine, for Palestine and in the context of the massacre in Jenin. However, there are other problems - outside of culture, language and religion - in the context of the on-going occupation of Palestine, that confuse the matter further, which allow people such as David Cameron to make false accusations of anti-semitism to silence criticisms of Israel.


One problem is that Israel calls itself the Jewish state. It has inextricably linked race with statehood. Hence, to attack or criticise the regime invites criticism that you are attacking or criticising the race. I have heard this concern from anti-Zionist Rabbis, who understandably resent the continued association between Zionism and Judaism. Also see Seth Freedman's blog.


Islam's history in the region - and what Hizb ut-Tahrir argues for as a model of governance in the Muslim world - has an excellent and proud track record of unifying diverse people as citizens. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived largely in peace and security for much of the last 14 centuries in Palestine, in Islamic Spain and under the Ottoman Caliphate.


In the 1950s Hizb ut-Tahrir issued a draft constitution for an Islamic state in which it clearly says: "All citizens of the state shall be treated equally regardless of religion, race, colour or any other matter. The State is forbidden to discriminate among its citizens in all matters, be it ruling or judicial, or caring of affairs."


Our vision for tolerance in the Islamic world, under the Caliphate, has ample historical precedent. The Caliph of the Abbasids famously said that Europe's loss was the gain for the Caliphate when welcoming Jewish refugees from Europe in 1492. Islam's system of governance is built upon a concept of citizenship regardless of ethnicity, gender or creed. The Qur'an makes this clear when it states "O mankind! Indeed we have created you from a single male and female and We have made you into peoples and tribes so that you know each other, Verily the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him."


Many have acknowledged this history. Carly Fiorina, ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard, commented on the Islamic Caliphate saying: "And perhaps we can learn a lesson from his example: it was leadership based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was leadership that harnessed the full capabilities of a very diverse population-that included Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. This kind of enlightened leadership - leadership that nurtured culture, sustainability, diversity and courage - led to 800 years of invention and prosperity." Cecil Roth, in his book, The House of Nasi: Dona Gracia, mentions that the treatment of the Jews at the hands of the Ottoman Caliphate attracted Jews from all over Western Europe. The land of Islam became the land of opportunity. Jewish physicians from the school of Salanca were employed in the service of the Sultan and the Viziers (ministers). In many places glass making and metalworking were Jewish monopolies, and with their knowledge of foreign languages, they were the greatest competitors of the Venetian traders."


Dr William Draper said, in History of the Intellectual Development of Europe: "During the period of the Caliphs the learned men of the Christians and the Jews were not only held in great esteem but were appointed to posts of great responsibility, and were promoted to the high-ranking job in the government ... He (Caliph Haroon Rasheed) never considered to which country a learned person belonged nor his faith and belief, but only his excellence in the field of learning."


In his book, The Call to Islam, Sir Thomas Arnold wrote: "We have never heard about any attempt to compel non-Muslim parties to adopt Islam or about any organised persecution aiming at exterminating Christianity. If the Caliphs had chosen one of these plans, they would have wiped out Christianity as easily as what happened to Islam during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain; by the same method which Louis XIV followed to make Protestantism a creed whose followers were to be sentenced to death; or with the same ease of keeping the Jews away from Britain for a period of 350 years."


All this proves that the period of hostility between different communities in the Muslim world is an aberration of the past 50 to 80 years. The rights of Jews and other non-Muslims are enshrined within statuary Islamic law (sharia). These were laid down by the Prophet Muhammad when he established the first Islamic state in Medina in the 7th century, when he said, "Whoever harms a dhimmi (non-Muslim citizen) has harmed me."


Despite this, accusations of anti-semitism will probably continue for many people, not only Muslims. However, although Muslims today find themselves in the McCarthyist environment of the war on terror, anyone who cares for the future of the Muslim world should be willing to discuss any model of governance that can bring peace, security and stability for all people in the region.

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Cameron admitted he was a Zionist the other day...anway as for H.T....kuwaasi wax kale ma sheegan apart from " Caliphate". They don't know how they can bring it back. All they have say we need to remove "puppet" muslim leaders and a set up a caliphate, again they don't offer how they will ever do it or succeed. Even when they do, all they come is blaming the Zionist and the West for aboloshing the caliphate in 1924( which was long dead).

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