
Heavy fighting breaks out in Somaliland state of Somalia

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  On 5/10/2018 at 12:35 AM, maakhiri1 said:

how come this can not be fixed?

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Because the Jeegaan admin of Muuse Bixi whom Oodweyne loves to advertise here is partial.  The previous agreements reached is not worth the paper it is written on.

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Saalax, what happened to the peace agreement and the threat of severe punishment against whoever breaks it first? This geeljire mentality has to stop, xataa markuu roobka saa'id u da'o dagaal socdo waa yaab since I believe it has to do with dhul geela daaqo.

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  On 5/10/2018 at 2:29 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Saalax, what happened to the peace agreement and the threat of severe punishment against whoever breaks it first? This geeljire mentality has to stop, xataa markuu roobka saa'id u da'o dagaal socdo waa yaab since I believe it has to do with dhul geela daaqo.

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Geeljire ciil qaba does not care $100K infridgement notice.

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  On 5/10/2018 at 2:29 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Saalax, what happened to the peace agreement and the threat of severe punishment against whoever breaks it first? This geeljire mentality has to stop, xataa markuu roobka saa'id u da'o dagaal socdo waa yaab since I believe it has to do with dhul geela daaqo.

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There is no actual dawlad to enforce it that is why. Meesha wa mickey mouse land.

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  On 5/10/2018 at 8:48 AM, Saalax said:


There is no actual dawlad to enforce it that is why. Meesha wa mickey mouse land.

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How did it actually start and why? It seems dagaal beeleed aan dhamaad lahayn in the last five years, even more frequent than Marka/Shalanbood or Gaalkacyo, which one can actually deduce waxa la isku heysto. This is ultra-miyi geeljire madax adeyg mentality oo aanan samar lahayn. They really need to sit down under geed and sort this out once and for all. Where is the xeer even?

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  On 5/10/2018 at 11:05 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

How did it actually start and why? It seems dagaal beeleed aan dhamaad lahayn in the last five years, even more frequent than Marka/Shalanbood or Gaalkacyo, which one can actually deduce waxa la isku heysto. This is ultra-miyi geeljire madax adeyg mentality oo aanan samar lahayn. They really need to sit down under geed and sort this out once and for all. Where is the xeer even?

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It is Silanyo folks that broke the agreement 4 times (reer Kutubxor basically placing a Quran on their hand means nothing)  then the Bohol community disciplined them just like the Prophet SAW routed out the Jews from Medina (formerly Yathrib) after they broke numerous agreements behind his back.

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Dawladii kacaankii barakaysnaa oo uririn jirtay ogoomaha  iyo kuwo layska tuuray ayagoo radiic ah, kana dhigi jirtay madax iyo dad wax ugu filan bulshada iyo waxaad simaysaan niman ayagoo gunti furan qaad u fadhiya, markay xanaaq qaadiroodaana xabsiga dhiga ciddii aan ku riyoon aqoonsi.


Soomaalidu waa inaysan ku abaal dhicin Maxamed siyaad barre allaha u naxariistee, halgankiisuna xaq buu ahaa aragtidayda markaad fiiriso sida dalka loo googoostay waqtigii  kacaankana waxaa loo yaqaan beri-samaadkii mana soo noqonayso xataa hadduu ingiriis nalasoo dego.


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As we speak ** and ** are meeting in Saaxdheer to finalize their 'peace' agreement. How much do you want to bet they will be at each other's throats within months?

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Saaxiib wsrbixintaas dib ugu noqo guurka tahriibkaa ka badan

Hadii ay min afar u guursadaan dhashuna badato khayrkaa ku badanaya wax laga naxo ma'ahan dhibna keeni mayso

Dadka ku dhasha meesha badankoodu waa itoobiyaan.

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  On 5/10/2018 at 4:42 PM, Oodweyne said:

This has to be done soon, no ifs or no buts. And it should be done in a way that actually "lance-the-boil" in which their recurring difference is made of, once and for all.

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Stupid Habarlamaan must be dealt with immediately! Your road map for this crisis should be followed. 

Warancade wuxuu yidhi noloshoodda ayaa ku jirta inaynu xoog muquunino :



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