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BAAFIN: JacaylBaro

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Eheladda iyo qaraabadiisa iyo Asxaabta SOL waxay halkan ka baafinayaan JACAYLBARO also known as Jibbaysane. Markii ugu wardanbeysay waxaa lagu sheegay tuulo u dhaxaysa Xaaji-saalax iyo Burco. Shaad cas iyo surwaal cagaar ah ayuu xidhnaa.


Calaamadihiisa lagu garan karo:

1- waa nin gaaban oo bidaar leh

2- kolkol wuu wareeraa, laakiin inta badan waa aqyaar

3-Qalimaan badan ayuu jeebadaha ku qaataa


Fadlan ciddi warkiisa haysa ha soo gaadhsiiso maamulka SOL ama ha la xidhiidho Internet center'yada ugu dhow iyagaa warkiisa na soo gaadhsiinayee!

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^LOL..intaan baad kaa ilaawdee;


4.Wuxuu naa yahay niin qoosol badhan,Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool..[keeligii buu iska qooslaa]


ps.Jac,your missing out man! the welcoming committegii Paragon baa laa waregee,you need to claim it back! :Dicon_razz.gif

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^Lol. JB qandaraas ayaan labadayadu kala saxiixanay. Waa inuu SOL leerta siiya for sometime to come. Then he'll come back, and he can have his welcoming committee. Wanna waan u qaleynaa smile.gif .

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LooooooooooL @shaati gaduudan iyo sarwal cagaaran


war JB Marki ugu wardambeesay waxu la dhanteenaayay massai inanka amuuba massai dhinac ka raacay hablahoodi

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Red Sea is right JB has been extremely busy but alive and well...It is weird though despite not being here it shows his name in the list of people currently navigating SOL!!! :confused: :confused:

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There is a lot of people that need baafin...But JB si caadi aan aheyn baa loo tabay not only his LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and :D:D but the dude went from informing us what he was having for breakfast,lunch and dinner and did i forget morning/ just disappearing from SOL,naturally we start to think something must have gone terribly he dead? or did he lose that taarwalee/internet-cafe job?


Anyways ,Jacylbaro if you are reading this ...please let someone know about your xaalad,we are very worried .Soo noqo adoo nabad ah. smile.gif

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JB is well & alive folks, he actually had beer and canjeero for breakfast this morning, followed by surqar and baris for lunch washed fown with an argan of caano.

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LOL@Lily, you holding him hostage isn't it :D I knew it , Jb wouldn't be able to resist SOL for that long.

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