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Piss off Mr Bushoe

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I'm sending Bush some messages, please leave the message you would like to send.



P.s. I'm not too excited about Obama either.

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Dear Focking Monkey-like Bush,


I would like to send you this message before you die to let you know you are a silly bastarto vola di cano man.


since the last 8 years, you have killed and murdered thousands of people and destroyed many countries. You even caused the death of your own people and destructed your own economy.


I've never met someone like you and don't think i will see in the future before i depart the planet.


I tried every insult from the beginning of the world until now and didn't find any that suits you. Seems you are worse than all of them. I will engage at least 200 universities to come up with an insult that suits you best.


I will burst and explode with anger if i talk more than that. Hope it suits you best you Muthafakah ,,,



Yours Falsely,


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"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" --George W. Bush, Florence, South Carolina, Jan. 11, 2000

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Dear Mr Bush (Beerka Laguugu Dhufay)


Before you were inaugurated to the Whitehouse and swore to serve the interest of the Zionists before any other...I used to be a pathetic and hopeless 'Muslim’ who used to pray whenever I felt like it, I used to think about the present ONLY and rarely wasted energy about the future because I was fool enough never to think about death even if it scared the living out of me because deep down inside I knew I was Muslim ONLY by name and not by faith...then suddenly you showed up and started talking about nothing but garbage whenever you were talking about my faith which for a non-muslim was quite a lot and every time you were on the telly you were ONLY too happy to share with the whole world your hatred towards my faith with your ridiculous statements which STRANGELY made sense to me after all you swore on your beloved holy bible to serve the interest of the Zionists before any other including the rednecks in Texas. smile.gif


After 8 long and chaotic years later I'm better Muslim than I ever was and every single day I’m making an improvement so I thank you for finally waking me up and making me realize that I’m here on this earth ONLY to worship Allah s.w after all no one WILL EVER enter paradise because they made the most billions or trillions so Thanks Buddy and I trust your successor in Obama will ONLY continue from where you left off (Ooops I shouldn't say that around Somalis because they love their Obama) ;)



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:



Mr Bush was then driven away from the White House for the last time as president

Doesn't he look sad? Or the nostalgia is gripping his heart.

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Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye:

bush gone! yeey gone! xabashi gone!! what a nite.

where is my xalimoo tonite...i am sure i can put triplets in the oven

Nin waalan :D:D:D

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