Deeq A.

Cali Xaaji drops bombs on Gaas, accusing him of unparalleled corruption and theft of public money

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Deeq A.   

Boosaaso (Caasimada Online)

2. Haddii musuqmaasuq lala dirirayo reer Puntland waa ogyihiin in Madaxweyne Gaas aabbe & hooyo u yahay dhunsashada malaayiin doolar oo maatada, ciidamada, macalimiinta iyo shacabka reer Puntland lahaayeen, oo si cad isaga ugu maqan, waxaa kaloo ku maqan malaayiin doolar oo magaca reer Puntland lagu soo qaadey ama dowladda dhexe soo marey (budget support), ama dowladaha deriska ah iyo hay’adaha dalka laga soo qaatey oo uu Madaxweyne Gaas dhunsadey, cadeymo dhameystirana loo hayo. Waxaa ka sii daran lacagtii uu daabacdey maalin cad oo uu suuqa ku sii daayey, taasoo dhaawac weyn u geysatey ganacsigii Puntland ee cashuurta xad-dhaafka ah la il-darnaa iyo noloshii qoysaska masaakiinta ah ee intooda badan ku nool boqol doolar oo dibadda looga soo xawilo.

Miyaaney la gudbooneyn Madaxweyne Gaas in uu marka hore ka xalaal noqdo musuqmaasuqa intaas le’eg ee uu maamuley 4 sano & barkii uu xilka hayey, illaahey ha uga toobad-keeno, ummadda Puntland hantideeda ha u soo celiyo, dabadeedna ha xukumo golayaashiisa ciddii musuqmaasuq cad ku kacda mise sharcigu wuxuu qabtaa kaliya qofka aan is-difaaci karin mise anaa waalane Cadan baa laga heesaya.

W/Q: Cali Xaaji Warsame

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Looks like a too early start for next year.

Only Trump will have campaigned for longer than Puntlanders in the end. Let the facebooks start as well.



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Unlike Morgan, This man Warsame is a serious candidate that could challenge Gaas.

He got both money and connections in Mogadishu. 

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31 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

a political rotation of the presidency between three brothers, namely, Cumar, Ciise, and Cismaan.

Jeegaan trinity is the proper name for it, I guess. But unlike Somaliland, the Jeegaan in Puntland is based on family kinship rather than political coalition.  :)


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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29 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


I agree this will be the final outcome. And the reason for that is that in Pirate-land the "social-contract" there suggest (even if it's unspoken one) of a "brotherhood of trinity", which means, a political rotation of the presidency between three brothers, namely, Cumar, Ciise, and Cismaan.

And now it's the time for the Cismaan folks in Bossasso. Hence, expect someone from that neck-of-the-wood to win the prize of the presidency. And of course, everyone else is just making up the numbers. Or is trying to make a "rigged contest" a bit of a legitimate one in the eyes of the public.

And remember it's only the parliamentarians who are the selectors (or electors) in this election and the public, unlike Somaliland, are precluded from this exercise.

And of course these parliamentarians know what the "political contract" of Pirate-land actually really amount to. Particularly in-terms of the "holy trinity" and their right to "rotate" the presidency between themselves with no one else getting a look in at all. This is what is going on in that fiefdom.

Best description and this time you didn't ven say a single word on the preference of this or that system.

Galbeedi might know more but in Canada the system works this way between French and Anglophones. In your Britain also works this way in some parties with Engish, Scottish and Wellish, am I right?


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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37 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


I agree this will be the final outcome. And the reason for that is that in Pirate-land the "social-contract" there suggest (even if it's unspoken one) of a "brotherhood of trinity", which means, a political rotation of the presidency between three brothers, namely, Cumar, Ciise, and Cismaan.

And now it's the time for the Cismaan folks in Bossasso. Hence, expect someone from that neck-of-the-wood to win the prize of the presidency. And of course, everyone else is just making up the numbers. Or is trying to make a "rigged contest" a bit of a legitimate one in the eyes of the public.

And remember it's only the parliamentarians who are the selectors (or electors) in this election and the public, unlike Somaliland, are precluded from this exercise.

And of course these parliamentarians know what the "political contract" of Pirate-land actually really amount to. Particularly in-terms of the "holy trinity" and their right to "rotate" the presidency between themselves with no one else getting a look in at all. This is what is going on in that fiefdom.

lol. Best analysis from Oodweyne. Simply to the point!!

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Waryara, it is correct to say Ciise, Cismaan and Cumar dominate the politics in Puntland, but aniga i waydiiya. The mps from the Trinity are very few out of the 66 total. They are a minority. But there is one problem: Resources. The trinity is powerful economically and they buy all the various votes of the gazillion other smaller clans. But I think Sheekadii hadda way qaraxday. It is very hard for the next President to be from them. 

Let us keep in mind the largest sub-clan in Puntland, the Cali Saleebaan of Bosaso and Carmo took up arms and became ISIS. They are also the wealthiest in Puntland and dominate UAE trade. The Siwaaqroon of Gardafui Region are also arming themselves and their land is off-limits to Puntland. Forget about the Maakhiris and the Dhulbahantes as well.

I think it is over for the trinity politically this time. Let us revisit this after the election.  

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2 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

Waryara, it is correct to say Ciise, Cismaan and Cumar dominate the politics in Puntland, but aniga i waydiiya. The mps from the Trinity are very few out of the 66 total. They are a minority. But there is one problem: Resources. The trinity is powerful economically and they buy all the various votes of the gazillion other smaller clans. But I think Sheekadii hadda way qaraxday. It is very hard for the next President to be from them. 

Let us keep in mind the largest sub-clan in Puntland, the Cali Saleebaan of Bosaso and Carmo took up arms and became ISIS. They are also the wealthiest in Puntland and dominate UAE trade. The Siwaaqroon of Gardafui Region are also arming themselves and their land is off-limits to Puntland. Forget about the Maakhiris and the Dhulbahantes as well.

I think it is over for the trinity politically this time. Let us revisit this after the election.  

This is the year of Ali Saleebaan, according to family tradition there. The big Carmo celebration for the new Beeldaaje was the beggining of the campain. They got at least three good candidates with a lot of money but you never know. We do not know what the big group may planning. They still want it themselves. What role UAE and Ethiopia play? Probably the same role they played Somaliland. It will be very expensive and dirty election. Unlike Somaliland, Moqdisho will be involved as well.

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49 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

What role UAE and Ethiopia play? Probably the same role they played Somaliland. It will be very expensive and dirty election. Unlike Somaliland, Moqdisho will be involved as well.

Puntlanders know what is at stake. Will be quite, orderly and satisfactory. One cannot play silly with terrorists and their part time or full time supporters shadow. Both the US and China need this place to be peaceful and orderly as well.


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5 minutes ago, Old_Observer said:

Puntlanders know what is at stake. Will be quite, orderly and satisfactory. One cannot play silly with terrorists and their part time or full time supporters shadow. Both the US and China need this place to be peaceful and orderly as well.


The treroist! I do not think they need a reminder about that. They are one who live there peacefully for century. They need zero inference so they can have peacefull eelection.

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You have to knw one thing about tribal politics which revolves around  propaganda and making a name for themselves. Those who are insecure or weak usually take the bait and assume that certain tribes are  invincible or control their destiny.

It is a clever way to disarm others. In Puntland, I am one of those who believe that the so called Mohamuud Saleebaan as non issue in the current composition of the parliament. The so called trinity does not even have 20% of the parliament. The Sool community alone has 17 members which is almost a quarter of the parliament.

For example , the C/laahi Yusuf community who are dominant in MUdug region has only two members from Mudug. The Osman guys in Bar have only three. In fact in Puntland other tribes than the trinity have significant members in the parliament.  Everyone is represented. If you compare the greedy Habro in Somaliland, it is day and night. The three Habro have 80% of the government.


Of course money plays a roll, yet it is about finding a star candidate, money and organizing yourself. C/weli got the votes of almost all the Sool members which gave him a leg ahead of others. The Reer Bari combined with Sanaag have almost 50% of the parliament.

Having said that, it is a well known phenomena that, as soon as they take power, the Puntlander leaders try to build tribal capacity to sway the opposition.

As some had stated without the Reer Bari there wouldn't be any Puntland. Reer Qandala are great hard working people who do not rely on government and they deserve to lead Puntland . One thing I also became familiar with Cali Sal... guys is they are more attuned to the national issue than Faroole or Even C/weli Gaas. For them the national government is more important than the regional issues.

If they find a good candidate, everyone must support them. This group were missing from the political secene for long time and they must take charge. Who knows, with these guys in charge , we might get a different Puntland than the one led by others.

Liiska Xildhibaanada Gobolka Nugaal

Magaca Xildhibaanka:  Beesha:  Issimaka Sixiixey

Cabdikariin Muuse Maxamed    " Ciise Maxamuud"    Islaan Ciise Islan Maxamed

Saciid Diiriye Maxamed           " Ciise Maxamuud"   Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed

Maxamuud Faarax Warsame     " Ciise Maxamuud"    Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed

Axmed Saciid Muuse (Ahmed Barre)  " Ciise Maxamuud"   Suldaan Siciid Maxamed

Muuse Warsame Cumar    " Ciise MAxamuud"   Suldaan Siciid MAxamed (Garaase)

Dr. Axmed Xirsi Carab    " Cumar MAxamuud"   Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed

Bashiir C/casiis Cumar    " Cumar MAxamuud"   Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed

Maxamed Farax Nuux     " Leelkase"    Islaan Ciise Islaan MAxamed

Burhaan Aadan Aw-cabdi   " Bahdubeys"    ISlaan Ciise ISlaan Maxamed

Liiska Xildhimaanada Gobalka Mudug

Magaca Xildhibanka:    Beesha:   Isimka Saxiixay

Xirsi Cabdi Oog      " Cumar Maxamuud"    Garade Maxamed Cilmi Shirwac

Siciido Geele Diiriye   " Cumar Maxamuud"   Garaad Maxamed Cilmi Shirwac

C/laahi Khaliif Xaashi    "Leelkase"    Wakiilka Ugaas MAxamed

C/rashiid Maxamed Xirsi   "Leelkase"  Caaqil Maxamed Guudle Muuse

Ibraahim Cilmi Warsame  "Nuux Jibraahiil"   Suladan MAxamed Suldaan Maxamuud

Axmed Jaamac Cabdule   "Awrtable"    Ogaas Cumar Geele

Xasan Xaange Maxamed   "Reer Bicidyahan"   Suldaan Xasan Cali Baale

C/laahi MAxamed Jaamac   "Idigfacle"    Caaqil Maxamed Aadan Dheere

C/raxmaan Axmed Xaaji       "Meheri"    Suldaan C/qaadi Cumar

C/wali Muuse Shire       "Reer Maxamuud"  Wakiil Suldaan C/rashiid

Liiska Xildhimaanada Gobalka Sanaag

Magaca Xildhimaanka:    Beesha  :    Isimka Saxiixay

Axmed Cali Xaashi    "Bahmarjeenteen"     Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

Maxamed C/naaleye   "Gaashaan Buur"     Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

Maxamed Cali Guuleed  "Reer Saalax"      Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

Cismaan Dalmar Yuusuf   "Warlabe"         Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

Jookho Geele Faarax        "Dubays"          Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

C/xakiim Maxamed Axmed   "Bah Idoor"      Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

C/laahi Ducaale Cali            "Dubays"         Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

C/qani Diiriye Cawl              "Dubays"      Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

C/laahi Cali Xasan               "Aadan Siciid"      Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

C/raxman Cali Bulshale    "Maxamuud Garaad"     Suldaan Siciid Cabdisalaan

Maxamud Garad    Garad Salemaan G-Maxamed   Garad Salemaan Garad Maxamed

Ismaaciil Cabdi Abtiile     "Maxamud Garad"      Garaad Saleemaan Garaad MAxamed

Liiska Xildhimaanada Gobalka Sool iyo Cayn

Magaca Xildhimaanka:    Beesha:      Isimka Saxiixay

Sadiq Abshir Maxamed    "Maxamud Garad"     Garaad Saleemaan Garaad Maxamed

Cali Jamac Faarax        "Maxamuud Garaad"     Garaad saleemaan Garaad maxamed

Siciid Cabdi MAxamuud    "Maxamud Garaad"      Garad Salemaan Garaad Maxamed

Cabdi Jaamac Cabdi        "Maxamuud Garaad"     Maxamed Garaad Ismaaciil

Cumar Jaamac Saleeman  "Maxamuud Garaad"      Maxamed Garaad Ismaacil

Faarax Sulub Jaamac       "Faarax Garaad/Barkad"    Garaad Abshir Saalax

Aadan Xuseen Ismaaciil     "Faarax Garaad/Baharasame"    Caaqil Axmed Xirsi Cawl

Cali Axmed Cismaan         "Faarax Garaad/Barkad"    Garaad Abshir Saalax

Cabdi Jabriil Dhible            "Faarax Garaad/Caligari"    Garaad C/laahi Garaad Soofe

Xuseen Yasiin Diiriye       "Bah Nugaaleed/Khaalid"  Suldaan Siciid Cusmaan Cali

Xiriir Gaas Gutaale           "Bah Nugaaleed/Hayaag"   Boqor Cabdulahi Axmad Cali

Ibraahim Maxamud Gure  "Bah Nugaled/Xamud Ugaas"   Ugaas Faarax Haji Maxamud

Maxamud Jaamac Banaf    "Baha Nugaaleed"/Xasan Ugaas  Ugaas Cabdulahi Ciise 

Xildhibaanada Gobalka Bari/Karkaar

Magaca Xildhimaanka:   Beesha :     Isimka Saxiixay 

C/laahi Siciid Caarshe  "Cismaan Maxamuud"    Boqor C/laahi Boqor Muuse

C/naasi Xuseen Cali      "Cismaan Maxamuud"    Boqor C/laahi Boqor Muuse

Axmed Maxamud Ducale  "Cismaan Maxamuud"    Boqor C/laahi Boqor Muuse

C/salaan Shiikh Maxamuud  "Calisaleemaan"     Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje C/laahi

Cumar Ismaacil Maxamed    "Calisaleemaan"    Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje C/laahi

Xasan Axmed Guuleed         "Calisaleemaan"      Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje C/laahi

Cabdullaahi Cali Cusmaan      "Dashiishe"     Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yaasiin

Axmed Maxamed Cali Xabeeb   "Dashiishe"     Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yaasiin

Maxamed Cumar C/raxmaan      "Dashiishe"     Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yaasiin

C/xakiin C/salaan Ciise           "Cali Jabraa’iil"     Beeldaaje Cali Faarax

Saciid Faarax Maxamuud       "Cali Jabraa’iil"     Beeldaaje Cali Faarax

Bille Maxamuud Yuusuf         "Sawaaq Roon"    Beeldaaje Yaasiin Cali

Salaad Xareed Cali                "Sawaaq Roon"    Beeldaaje Yaasiin Cali

C/llaahi Sh. Axmed C/lle        "Ugaar Saleebaan"    Suldaan Muuse Faarax Muuse

Qaasim Yuusuf Ismaaciil        "Ugaar Saleebaan"    Suldaan Muuse Faarax Muuse

Maxamed Cusmaan Xasan      "Ismaaciil Saleebaan"    Beeldaaje Cabbaas Cali

Yuusuf Saalax Samatar           "Ismaaciil Saleebaan"    Beeldaaje Cabbaas Cali

Khaliif Saciid Muuse                  "Amaanle"                "Guurtida reerka"

Farax Jamac Boos            "Cabdiraxiinm Ibrahim"   Islaan Maxamed Islaan Maxamud

Cali Axmed Maxamuud       "Reer Waa Rag"          Suldaan Aadan Cige Guuleed

Saciid Cali Maxamed          "Cabdi Koombe"            Suldaan Maxamed Cali


Moderator , sorry for the tribal names, we will delete later.





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With this much info you can be a consultant. Its looking like an American election and with all that money.

Good of you for Qandala that quiet corner, the real horn of Africa Alula could have been money maker if only there was peace and government that can sell the place. I think they have relatives in Ethiopia and Sudan for the unique product they have there where empires at one time paid blood and bones for.

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