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Thousands of Somalis witnessed total eclipse of the sun.

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Thousands of Somalis witnessed total eclipse of the sun. The eclipse, which looked like a ray of fire around a circular dark moon that had covered the sun, started at around 8:32 am and ended at around 9:50 am. According to Western astrology this is called a solar eclipse and occurs when the moon is between the earth and sun and the moon casts a shadow on the Earth’s surface. This typically lasts for about an hour until the Moon completely covers the Sun and the total eclipse begins.


Kumanaan Muslimiin ah ayaa deg deg ku galay masaajidada waa weyn ee kuyaala dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana dadka Muslimiinta ah ay doonayeen in ay Alle weyne utoobad keenaan, markii uu madow xoog leh soo galay Qoraxda.



This must have been a frightening experience for the Somali people waayo sidaay masaajida ugu yaaceen baan ka gartey. :D Hadaay saas u naf jeceyl yihiin may dagaalka iyo dhibka iska dayaan oo Ilahay uun cabuudaan ileen Ilahay in aay caabudaan uun buu u abuurtee. The Day of Judgment is very near to every one of us so we should remember Allah all the time. We belong to Allah and we will return to Him.

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