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kOBE'S DAD..What's you opinion

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I heard on our Local radio station this morning about Kobe's Bryant's dad not wanting to have anything to do with his grandson due to the fact that he's bi-racial....viewers had a lot to say and I was surprised at some of the comments.


IMO, Love your folks, no matter what race or nationality this is you blood line. You have a chance to educated another one of our brothers and sisters.. it's sad to say but I think I would have this same problem w/ my dad if I were to date outside my race. Don't get me wrong my dad's a good man,good husband of 41 yrs,and a dam n good father to all 7 of his children/13 grands. But he grew up in that hard era 1950's-1960's in Selma AL, where he was treated like nothing and he would have a very hard time understanding why I needed to date "the police" as he refers to all the caus. population..


So what y'all think...Are these some counseling needed issuse that Kobe's dad(and mine)have, or are they being closed minded...


Don't ask questions you are not prepard to hear the answer to

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