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Somalis=Talk=Loud (Embarrassing)

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Folks, I was searching something related to Soomaalis, and quickly came across this thread ee ila aqriya bal:


In the city I live in there are so many Somalis. I like my brothers and sisters from the East and nor do I have any hard feelings but why why why do they have to talk so loud all the time in public...


I just spent 30 minutes at a coffee place during lunch to catch up on some reading and there was this Somali guy half way across this big sitting area and everyone, I mean everyone in the coffee shop could hear him talk on the phone. Of course, we don’t know what he was talking about and I don’t care but why does he have to talk so loud? It was so embarrassing.


This is what gives us bad names. The problem is, the white {bolds mine} folks can’t tell the difference between Ethiopians and Somali and take as the same.


I am embarrassed!!!


By another Amxaar/Tigrey poster:


I was trying to buy a phone card, Man it tooks me a long time to talk to the grocery store owner. These two gentel men from somali never stop talking. It is hard to interrupt. they don't care about you unless, you keep your mouth open like them. I think they have a luck of respect for others. I don't mean all somalis. You can't compare them with our poeple. Our people have more discipline and respect to others better than any other African countries.


From an Itoobiyan forum.



PS, to those who wrote the above sentences, just in case you are reading now as I happened to yours:


@#$&% OFF!

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loooooooooooooool,,,,, that is true walaahi ,, meelkasta oo aad tagto somaalida uunbaa ugu qaylo badan ,,,,, marka ay telephone debedda ah ku hadlayaana waxaabad moodaa inay isku deyeyaan inay qofka codka gaarsiiyaan ,,,, marmar bay dheguhu ku xanuunayaan qaylo darteed.

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MMA sxb runtaa fiican anaga haddii aan nahay Somali xoogaa kor waan u hadalnaa balse ma u maleynayo inaan Ethopian ka hadal dheer nahay, Aniga waan arkay Ethopian badan wax ka qeylo dheer ma jiraan, runtii ayagaa sidii machine camal u hadla, may be anaga mindhaa qoraal kuma qorno wixii aan aragno.



Aniga waxaanba iga dhaadhacayn inaan Ethopian ka Qeylo dheer/badan nahay. Laakiin run haddii lasheego STARBUCKS yada ay iskugu yimaadaan Somalida waa meelaha laga Qeyliyay calashaan buuqeena.


Go figure:...................

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Horta waa run oo ethiopian ku waxba inama dhaamaan hadaanayba inaga darnayn xagga qaylada ,,, maxayse qaylo ka sheegi ethiopian meel kasta oo ay tagaan nadaafad xumada miyaadan arag ,,, waanba ka wiswisaa anigu dhamaantood.


soomaalida meel kasta oo aad tagto waa lagu yaqaanaa qaylo, buuq iyo faraha/gacmaha oo ay taagtaagaaan ,,,,,, aniga mooyaane :D:D

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But u know what! i was watching on NBC nightly news couple weeks ago, and they were saying that non-Europian people talk with thier hands, however, research that is been conducted by the Univeristy of DUKE in North Corolina about the hand talking thing, found that talking with ur hands helps remember easily what you are talking about, especailly what ur talking about happened in the past, so i guess it helps to remember things, we (Somalis) seemed to talk with our hands somehow :D



Anywayz, Ethopian ayagaa ina qaylo badan period...


Go figure:.............

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"It is hard to interrupt. they don't care about you unless, you keep your mouth open like them."



That is the Point lol. Very good observation. You don't wait around to speak, or require permission for anything sometimes, it is like take everything and anything you want without asking, and once you get it, never say thanks or if you say it, the other(doer of the favour) looks at you as if you have done some sin smile.gif , you wanna talk? talk and be uadible.


Somalis are loud although I dislike the generalization. We used to have a table to ourselves in the cafeteria at work separated from the rest of the workers. And people used to ask us if we were fighting or just were so passionate about the subject we engaged in. Of course, we had to tell them that we had a lot of catchup to do and make up for the lost time for the last years we were adrift. They understood mostly. I was the moderating force and reminded the guys to keep it low because people are staring at us LOL. The more severly unurban lads among us dismissed me always with comments like "Doofaartaan yaa warkooda yaa ku jira". Talk about islaweynin cidla ah.


Miskiin, Dabeecado badanaa nalooga fiican yahay. We lack patience and don't care about privacy among other things :D





Naga dhaaf adiga hiilis cidlaa heysaaye ;)

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Anigu ma filaayo inay jiraan cid kele oo somaalida kaaga horaysa hand talking ka ,,,, even europians ka ,,, marka aad tagto waqooyiga Somalia ka warran ,,, dadka oo dhan waxaad u malaysaa inay waalan yihiin ama ay is dilayaa sida ay gacmaha u taagtaagayaan ,,,, markaa arrinta gacmo taag taagga waxaynu nahay No 1 ,,,,, in the world ,,,,


University ga research ka samaysa taas ha loo sheego malaa Africa mabay arage :D:D

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First of all, to those Habesha who wrote those words, I wanna say: @#$% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Generally speaking, Soomaalidu markay hadlayaan badankood waxaad mooda in microphone luqunta ugu jirto. Dad badan oo ajnabi ah baa arinta farta iigu fiiqay dhowr jeer, mar marna anigaaba ka tirsanaa waxa ay ka hadlayaan. So, what they wrote ain't all lies.

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akhlaaq xumi ma ahan ama asluub darro qeylida ay somalida afka dulaaq ka dhigaan kolkey hadlayaan, siduu yiri wind.talker microphone baa luqunta nooga raaraco oon la fahmeyn dhan uu ka jeedo, familkeyga qaar ka mid ah ayaaba saas ah, aniguna haddaan public joogo oon tell ku hadlayo dadkalaad sheegiyee qofna ma daneeyo siduu ilaah ii abuurey unbaan u hadlayaa cirkaan isku shareeri, my father is number one when it comes to qeylo whether it is on the phone or by simple talking in public, hadduu halmar hadlo dadka dhan(caddaanka) ayaa dhagaha faraha wada gashan indha taag ba ka soo hari.

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LooooL, Leave my adeero alone, he is free to talk the way he wants :D


Seriously, a side what I might have against ethiopians cause of their aggressive behavours against my people, I gotta say they are right on this. Somalis are very loud in public places.


Yes, I am not deffending what others saying against the Somalis but defending fairness.



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man you should be proud of what u r what if u or me or them talk so loudly....theres so muchh more in this life than to complain about how people talk.....if u don't like it , simply ignore them. end of discussion!

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Showing respect and common courtesy is very important. You are no less dignified by lowering your voice and being mindful of others in your presence.

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