Geel_jire Posted September 9, 2008 For those of you who are test driving the new chrome browser .. the initial gaffe over the EULA was just a lazy mistake by copying/pasting EULA from their other products without updating it for chrome. There are much more worrisome aspects of chrome you should be aware of; namely it's key logging capabilities in a feature called "Google suggest" What is Google Suggest? As you type into the search box, Google Suggest guesses what you're typing and offers suggestions in real time.This is similar to Google's "Did you mean?" feature that offers alternative spellings for your query after you search, except that it works in real time ^ directly from their FAQ page suggest faq that line is complete BS .. the difference between them is 'suggest' logs your keystrokes and in 'Did you mean' you consent when you actively send your text input by hitting the return key which is a very big difference. even worse: While all keystrokes typed into Chrome's OmniBox are sent to Google, the vast majority aren't permanently recorded, but instead are discarded as soon as suggestions are returned to the browser. About 2% of the time, however, the keystrokes are recorded, along with associated data such as the IP address of the user who entered those keystrokes. Previously, Google said it needed that data to monitor and improve Suggest. On Monday, the company announced it would change how long it keeps the data logged from Suggest. so, they wont change that functionality just 'anonymize ' which they should not be trusted to do anyway. news Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites