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Health/Lifestyle Digest: The Essentials

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After a passionate discussion with a specialist who confirmed me much of that I already suspected without any expertise from my part, I wanted to share some of the following conclusions anyone can research in greater depth and which agree with time tested wisdom.


Curiously enough, much of that was already well-known even to the ancient egyptians or old Somali ladies harvesting linseed from their garden before the current craze in rediscovering the wheel; it is compatible too with "Prophetic Medicine", a definite must have in any library.


What follows is thus a simplified but critical digest of extensive reading and discussion:






Boycotting any processed food.

Cooking from scratch when necessary.


Avoiding or limiting refined white flour, sugar and salt (natural molasse and salt are ok).


Boycotting fat/oils other than unprocessed natural ones such as extra virgin olive oil and butter.


Even so, frying and overcooking adulterate fats and meats, creating ultra toxic free radicals; steaming and regular cooking should be prefered.


Time tested practices such as fermentation protect food and synthetise nutrients such as vitamin B; thus natural injeera is much better than much of the breads etc.


Seasonal and local food are much healthier for varied reasons.


Limiting meat intake and prefering eggs or grass fed lamb meat.


Avoiding tea, coffee and other toxics concentrating, addictive and risky substances.


Preferably drinking mineral/artesian well water and dechlorinate tap water by leaving it one or two days or either boil it.


Switching to free range and organic, particularly when it comes to butter, eggs and other critical products such as tea.


Always read labels before buying anything, and avoid any manufactured food ingredient.


Ban any chemical and cosmetic and look for readily available alternatives (eg: lemon or henna as shampoo, lemon as deodorant etc); chlorinated tap water is enough as toxicity for your body as the skin is permeable, without covering it with toxics such as aluminium laden deodorants, in sensitive areas what is more.


Regular fasting and garlic or even spices and linseed are critical for varied reasons (particularly where grass fed animal and non industrial products are not readily available).


Likewise, limited portions and overall food intake is absolutely crucial; this is the best method found in laboratory to greatly increase both health and life span in rodents etc.

Again, prescribed specialist advise is irrelevant and dangerous; an average man can thrive on a daily average of 1500-2000 kcal maximun, around half of what is common in many places (of course, quality should replace quantity; white flour and processed sugar deplete the body reserves while industrial milk and meat are less nutritious).


Raw honey, milk (unhomogenised, un-pasteurised) and yoghurt are great, full of enzymes (very sensitive to heating), they also recalibrate the gut flora so important in overall health and very deficient in people on typical diets; their ersatzs in the shelves are however altogether another story, eg the controversies about homogenisation, A1 milk etc.


Vigorous exercise may be counter-productive if abused but it is indispensable to walk and move around as much as possible and limit sitting time (sitting behind the TV for hours is simply suicidal, even half an hour is terribly unhealthy).


One should generally strive for simplicity and emulate communities such as the Amish; appliances radiates all sorts of waves and microwaving is simply insane (much radiation can escape the oven).


Limiting use of plastics, paints and any chemical; even mere new plastic carpets cause much indoor pollution, which has been found to be much more dangerous than the already preoccupying outside air pollution as people stay mostly there (by the way, even metal food cans have plastic lining that leech overtime).


One should always smile, not overstress and assume the best from others; good and diversified relationships are absolutely critical for good health and lifespan as much as other factors.


Much of the media and specialist advises are biased, myopic and incomplete; one can only rely on time tested traditions and products while applying the principle of precaution (eg alternative, healthier products, drugs etc are routinely proved to be disastrous such as the manufactured fats now partly banned tough replaced by potentially much worse).


More sunshine may be critical.


Diversifying diet, brands and even nomadism may detoxify the body or at least vary the sources and nature of pollutants.


Relying on authorities is naive; toxicological limits are largely set-up with industry inputs and through economic considerations (thus the wide differences between EU and US standards etc).

Experts are influenced and pampered by the healthcare industry in various ways; lobbies financing do the rest.


One's genes play a crucial role and even interact with nutrition, eg Somali are much more vulnerable to Diabete than other Westerners all else being equal etc.


One's lifestyle impact on his genes, eg studies found famines, stress, junk food etc result in relatively unhealthier children, grandchildren etc (though some genetic change could be potentially reversed through time and discipline as genes interact with the environment/lifestyle).

It is also the cause of the "infertily epidemy" or hormonal disbalances.


Finally, diet and lifestyle are critical for the brain (major user of total body energy) and studies found that junk or deficient diet was directly linked to criminality by neuroscientists.

Actually much of the misbehaviors, violence and psychological disorders are caused by unhealthy, inappropriate diet and lifestyle.



PS: much of that was already widely followed before the current Worldwide epidemy of chronic diseases; the real tragedy is that communities, eg in Africa, are switching from what is optimal to all that which is suicidal (as shown by Diabete or cardiovascular diseases rates).


I highly recommend this blog, with all the linked Youtube clips (no relation whatsoever with me, but very interesting and well presented, apart from some commercial products).

One can learn and, more importantly, unlearn much

through this, of course with critical thinking:

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