Deeq A. Posted April 27, 2018 Madaxweynaha Sudan Cumar Xasan Al-Bashiir ayaa Magaalada Khartuum kaga qeyb galay munaasbaada ballaaran oo tababar loogu soo xirayay dhalinyaro Leyli Saraakiil ah oo in muddo ah loo tababarayay. Waxaa sidoo kale ka qeyb qeybgalay munaasabadan saraakiisha ciidanka Sudan, masuuliyiinta safaarada Soomaalida ee dalkaas iyo boqolaal Soomaalida ku nool Sudan. Saraakiisha dhalinyarada ah ee tababarka loo xiray oo isugu jira Soomaali, Suudaan iyo Urdun ayaa ku baranayay dalkaas sharciga iyo Qaanuunka muddo labo sano ah. Cumar Xasan Axmed oo ka mid ah saraakiisha tababarka loo soo xiray ayaa galay kaalinta koowaad mudadii uu socday tababarkan, iyadoo Madaxweynaha dalka Suudaan Cumar Xasan Al-Bashiir uu bilada sharaf guddoonsiyay guuleystaha kaalinta koowaad galay ee Omar Hassan Ahmed. Wuxuu Cumar Xasan Axmed hormuud ka ahaa salaan sharaftii halkaasi lagu siiyay Madaxweyne Cumar Xasan Albshiir, iyadoo Madaxweynuhu ku aaanay dhalinyaradaasi xirfadaha ay barteen iyo tayadooda wanaagsan. Tababarka dadka la siinayay ee isugu jiray Soomaali, Suudaan iyo Urdun ayaa Cumar Xasan Axmed waxaa uu ka galay kaalinta koowaad. Saraakiishan ayaa waxaa la filayaa inay dhowaan dalka dib ugu soo laabtaan si ay uga mid noqdaan saraakiisha ciidamada dowlada. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted April 27, 2018 One more Somali succeess and one more proof that Sudan has been the quiet helper for Somali people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duufaan Posted April 27, 2018 They have been best friends of Somalia in all weather. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted April 27, 2018 On 4/27/2018 at 3:25 PM, Old_Observer said: One more Somali succeess and one more proof that Sudan has been the quiet helper for Somali people. Read more Suudaan and Soomaaliya have had historical relations, especially after 1969, when Jacfar came to power in Suudaan. They always offered Soomaali students scholarships, rainy day or not. Soomaaliya had four primarily countries who helped us in our challenging years between 1991-2011. Those were Suuriya, Suudaan, Bakistaan and Maleysiya. Soomaalis didn't need any visa to enter in those countries. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/27/2018 at 6:43 PM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said: Suudaan. They always offered Soomaali students scholarships, rainy day or not. Soomaaliya had four primarily countries who helped us in our challenging years between 1991-2011. Those were Suuriya, Suudaan, Bakistaan and Maleysiya. Soomaalis didn't need any visa to enter in those countries. Read more Sad but few Somalis know and fewer register this especially in the noisy situation of Turkey, Qatar, UAE etc. The Sudanese are very generous people and never make commericails or noise for what they do for Ethiopians, Somali and Eritreans. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samafal Posted April 28, 2018 It is good news but how are they going to be different from all other ones that have been trained by different countries over the last few years that only Allah knows where they have ended up. I don't undestand how soldiers that have been trained in a countries where they have differing training regimes and languages will gel together as one unit? Do the TFG have a programme where they standardise practices for all these brilliant youngmen? I doubt. After this is same government that allows a foreign country to train and control soldiers in their own soil. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maakhiri1 Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/28/2018 at 4:56 AM, Samafal said: It is good news but how are they going to be different from all other ones that have been trained by different countries over the last few years that only Allah knows where they have ended up. I don't undestand how soldiers that have been trained in a countries where they have differing training regimes and languages will gel together as one unit? Do the TFG have a programme where they standardise practices for all these brilliant youngmen? I doubt. After this is same government that allows a foreign country to train and control soldiers in their own soil. Read more Brother, don't be so cynical, the county is coming back from hell, and SOMALIS took their country there. It is baby steps, Welcome this and see as great news. And Always see back we came from, 10 years , 15, 20 years back. Of course, There is BIG room for improvement. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/28/2018 at 4:56 AM, Samafal said: It is good news but how are they going to be different from all other ones that have been trained by different countries over the last few years that only Allah knows where they have ended up. I don't undestand how soldiers that have been trained in a countries where they have differing training regimes and languages will gel together as one unit? Do the TFG have a programme where they standardise practices for all these brilliant youngmen? I doubt. After this is same government that allows a foreign country to train and control soldiers in their own soil. Read more First and fore most look at it from the positive angle as maakihri pointed out. Use addition before subtraction in your outlook. Add every succeess of the Somali people regardless of territory, country or kilil or any shindig. Countries come and go as sultanates came and went as boqors came and went, but through it all, if does not get catastrophic failure, the Somali people, with language and culture will continue. In order to continue must have power to defend, develop and if nothing else transfer to next generation what he inherited from previous. Every little thing whether it happens in Juba, Bossaso, Jigjiga, Qandela etc must be added. Don't make everything regional and subtract it from the people's success stories anywhere. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samafal Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/28/2018 at 9:12 AM, maakhiri1 said: Brotinen, ditn'isitbe so cynical, the county is coming back frominhell, and SOMALIS took their country there. It is baby steps, Welcome this and see as great news. And Always see back we came from, 10 years , 15, 20 years back. Of course, There is BIG room for improvement. Read more Woow Woow you making uncalled accusation here!! How am I being cynical would you care to eloborate? Emotional seef laboodnimo won't get us any where. I got nothing against these young men who could be as brilliant as any soldiers any where In the world but If they don't have a system In place to accomodate them properly In service then their traning go to waste as It happened many times before.We had soldiers being trained by different countries since 2000 and todate we are not seeing a difference. If you don't know where you have been, you don't where you are going. Marka sxb guulwadeen looma baahna meesha It high time we ask for hight standards of performance. TFG IS not a baby anymore. It has been In operation over a decade and half now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samafal Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/28/2018 at 4:31 PM, Old_Observer said: First and fore most look at it from the positive angle as maakihri pointed out. Use additinon before subtraction in your outlook. Add every succeess of the Somali people regardless of territory, country or kilil or any shindig. Countries come and go as sultanates came and went as boqors came and went, but through it all, if does not get catastrophic failure, the Somali people, with language and culture will continue. In order to continue must have power to defend, develop and if nothing else transfer to next generation what he inherited from previous. Every little thing whether it happens in Juba, Bossaso, Jigjiga, Qandela etc must be added. Don't make everything regional and subtract it from the people's success stories anywhere. Read more What on earth you talking about! Where do I talk about regions or you are English challenged. May be you google translate In Amharic then you would understand you are barking up the wrong tree. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted April 28, 2018 On 4/28/2018 at 9:04 PM, Samafal said: What on earth you talking about! Where do I talk about regions or you are English challenged. May be you google translate In Amharic then you would understand you are barking up the wrong tree. Read more Apology for the regional aspect of my comment, but not for belittling the good news based on your frastration mostly based on the past. Believe it or not, my Amharic is not that good, but these things sound all the same in the languages I understand. The reason is the people are the same and have very close attitudes on these issues. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites