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QUIZ:Are You a Good Friend?

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Sure, we all like to think of ourselves as great friends, but truth be told, we aren't always as steadfast and supportive as we think -- or would like to be. Answer these seven questions and see whether your best-bud skills need some fine-tuning.



1.Your best friend has moved across the country. How often do you head out to see her?

a. You make a special trip at least once a year.

b. You visit her once every couple of years.

c. You sneak in a visit when work brings you to her neck of the woods.

d. You rarely see her, but you do talk on the phone and e-mail a whole lot.


2.You've been known to flirt with your friend's boyfriend or husband.

a. True.

b. False.


3.Your friend is making a bigger-than-big mistake in the love arena, but she is supersensitive to criticism. You:

a. Keep quiet. You don't want to cause a rift between the two of you.

b. Indirectly offer advice by talking about someone else with this problem.

c. Start giving guidance, but back off if she's really resistant.

d. Speak your mind and don't back off. You'd rather lose the friendship than let her go on hurting herself.


4.Several people in your tight circle have told you that a close friend has said some unflattering words about you. You:

a. Confront your trash-talking friend. If the rumor is true, the relationship is over.

b. Confront your so-called pal. If it's true, you may still be friendly but the bond is forever changed.

c. Tell your friend what you've heard. If it's true, discuss it, learn from it, and go on with your friendship as before.

d. Forget about it. There's no need to shake up the friendship. Even if she did say something you don't like, you're not going to let it bother you.


5.You've bought your friend a gift that you'd love to keep for yourself. But you wrap it up and give it to her -- it's too perfect a present for her.

a. True.

b. False.


6.You're hosting an important dinner party for a jaw-dropping VIP, and your friend has been hankering for an invite. The thing is, she has some odd personality quirks -- and this is an important event. You:

a. Tell her she can't attend. It's too important to chance her mucking it up.

b. Invite her over for cocktails, but not for dinner.

c. Extend the invite, but give her instructions about how to act.

d. Ask her to join you and remind her how important this event is. You know it's risky, but you can't bear to hurt her feelings.


7.One of your best buds asks you to recommend her for a job at your company, but you're not sure she's right for it. You:

a. Write the best letter of recommendation you can possibly write.

b. Say you don't think the job is right for her, so you'd rather not.

c. Say you will, but tell her you'll have to make your reservations known in the letter.

d. Write a lukewarm letter of recommendation; you don't want your honesty called into question if she doesn't work out.



0 - 2 Points:

Fickle Friend

Time to recharge those buddy batteries! Your friendship skills occasionally go on the fritz. Although you're not as generous, kind or loyal as you may have thought, there's always hope! Read on and see where your friendship skills need bolstering.

3 - 5 Points:

Consistent Companion

By and large, you're a giving and thoughtful pal. Occasionally, however, you put your interests first and your friends' interests second. That's appropriate some of the time -- the question is: How often are you really there for your friends? Read on and see how you could be an even better friend, in bad times as well as good.

6 - 7 Points:

Fab Friend!

You're unflinchingly loyal, generous and giving. Hopefully, your friends appreciate how often you put their interests first -- and how lucky they are. Be sure to surround yourself with pals who are worthy of you; the people you befriend should be equally understanding, loving and giving.




























1.The Correct Answer is Letter a :Friendship means being there -- physically. Of course chatting on the phone and exchanging e-mails is key, but a really loyal friend finds a way to get together for quality hanging-out time at least once a year. Sure, extraordinary circumstances, such as being in different countries, may hinder frequent face-to-face contact, but remember: Making the effort to see your friend is what makes a friendship deep and touching. Beyond cyber attentiveness, there's something about taking that trip that makes a friend feel truly appreciated.



2.The Correct answer is faLse: A true-blue friend never locks eyes -- or anything else -- with her friend's man. Even if you have no intention of acting on your flirtation, your attentiveness toward your friend's mate could cause you to find out something about him that you'd rather not know, or simply make it awkward to be around them as a couple. Furthermore, if your friend sees her man flirting back she may feel jealous, insecure or just disappointed in you as a person -- any or all of which could undermine your friendship. The right way to treat a friend's love, no matter how yummy he is, is as a friend. You need to figure out how to be that combination of a person her man admires and enjoys spending time with but views as so off-limits that the thought of something more doesn't even arise.


3.The Correct Answer is Letter d:The bravest and most loyal thing to do is tell a friend something she really needs to know, even if it puts your relationship in jeopardy. It's understandable if you do the next-best thing and tell her what she needs to know then let it slide if she doesn't take kindly to your comments. No one wants to lose a friend, after all. But sometimes -- when the circumstances are very serious -- loyalty means really pressing an issue. If you're concerned about your friend's poor taste in men, excessive drinking or health problems, sit her down for a heart-to-heart and some tough love. Ultimately, if she is the woman you think she is -- the friendship will survive.


4.The Correct Answer is Letter c: Loyalty requires dealing with tough stuff, like when your friend says something that offends you. Simply cutting off a buddy who insults you doesn't give the friendship its due, but neither does sticking your head in the sand and pretending nothing bad happened. In order to clear the air, find out what's really going on and what prompted your friend's bad-mouthing. Realize that sometimes friends say unkind or unwise things about each other. Talk about it or it'll fester, trust will fade, and no one will learn and grow from the situation. And remember: Ultimately, forgiveness is part of every long-term relationship.


5.The Correct Answer is true: When another person's happiness is even more important than your own -- that's a true gift. Obviously, you don't have to give away everything you covet for yourself -- think sexy red sandals -- but doing that every now and then shows how much capacity you have to care for other people.



6.The Correct Answer is Letter d:Granted, some friends harbor habits that only a close pal would tolerate or find endearing, but excluding a friend is certainly not a steadfast expression of camaraderie. If a friend wants to go someplace enough to beg for an invite, it would be pretty cold to say no -- and almost as cold to say yes and then lecture her on proper deportment. Sometimes a loyal companion just gives a friend what she wants and needs -- and lets the chips fall where they may.



7.The Correct Answer is Letter a: The most devoted act is to write a great letter, no matter what doubts you may have. However, sometimes that just isn't possible. Maybe your friend is just not qualified for the job -- and you know it. If you're unsure about the professional fit, write a letter that's good but not gushing. Be careful, though, if you aren't willing to help -- or if your letter is tepid -- it could ultimately put the friendship at risk.

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Consistent Companion

By and large, you're a giving and thoughtful pal. Occasionally, however, you put your interests first and your friends' interests second. That's appropriate some of the time -- the question is: How often are you really there for your friends? Read on and see how you could be an even better friend, in bad times as well as good.




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Hehhe :D hope I scored em rite but, truth be told..I am a


Fab Friend!

You're unflinchingly loyal, generous and giving. Hopefully, your friends appreciate how often you put their interests first -- and how lucky they are. Be sure to surround yourself with pals who are worthy of you; the people you befriend should be equally understanding, loving and giving.

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i scored 6-7 hahahah.... I'm hmmmmConsistent Companion

By and large, you're a giving and thoughtful pal. Occasionally, however, you put your interests first and your friends' interests second. That's appropriate some of the time -- the question is: How often are you really there for your friends? Read on and see how you could be an even better friend, in bad times as well as good....


Flyingstill,,,,, coming after you sis since we got the same isue here,,, i mean the same defenision how we are... much love to ya'll.

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Ohh boy, what a hard


Well they say I am a Consistent Companion, though I feel a Fickle Friend

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WeLL KooL_Kat since the Kat has nine Lives that aLso goes for the I guess you are aLLowed to be many types of friend-hope im making sense here. :confused:

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Consistent Companion

By and large, you're a giving and thoughtful pal. Occasionally, however, you put your interests first and your friends' interests second. That's appropriate some of the time -- the question is: How often are you really there for your friends? Read on and see how you could be an even better friend, in bad times as well as good.


i thought i was better than this :rolleyes:

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KooL-Kat im putting ideas in your head? :confused: I thought the Kat knew this-was weLL aware of it. I guess you havent been roaming around/spending time with your kind. ;)


Mizz-Unique sometimes it(quiz/anaLysis)isnt paraLLeL to the reaL you.

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