
Boqor Buur Madow sentenced to 5 year jail term

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Boqor Buur Madow Maxkamadi xukun ku riday

Hargaysa :- Boqor Cismaan Aw-Maxamed (Buurmadow) ayaa Maxkamadda Gobolka Togdheer ku xukuntay 5 sano oo Xarig ah,kagadaal eedeyn ku adan inuu ku gafay qaranimada Soomaaliland,boqorku waxaa uu ka qaybgalay Caano-shubka Beeldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje oo ka dhacday degmadda Carmo ee Gobolka Bari,waxaana uu munasabadda ka jeediyey hadal ku adan nabadeynta Puntland iyo Soomaaliland oo uu ku baaqay Nabad iyo in ciidamada lakala qaado.

Boqor Buur Madow markii xukunka ay maxkamadu ku dhaqaaqday ayaa loo taxaabay Xabsiga waxaana la sheegay in mudo shan sano ah uu halkaas ku xirnaandoono,Todobaadkii hore ayaa xabsiga laga sii daayey Boqorka,waxaana uu ku joogay damiin,maanta ayaa dib loosoo xiray waxaana lasoo tagay Maxkada.

Horseed Media


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The illegal arrest and conviction of Issim Boqor Buur Madow on trumped-up charges in a Jeegaan kangaroo court is a desperate move by  Muuse Ooyaye's regime to sabotage the Somaliland people's aspiration for genuine democracy and freedom of speech; to discredit the legitimacy of Clan elders and to suppress the just demands of average Somalilanders for socio-economic reforms; and to silence all opponents against his futile scheme to establish a Siyaad Barre style dictatorship through fear and oppression.

In any case, Muuse will fail and he will also eventually pay the price and repercussions of this folly of messing with clan elders and the traditions of the Somali people, one way or another.

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I believe he will be released soon.

I give Muuse Ooyaye until the beginning of Ramadan before he makes a lame proclaimation about Cafis for the Clan Elder.

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