Deeq A.

Pictures: Somali Federal Immigration Officers Reach Somalia-Djibouti Border

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Deeq A.   

Taliyaha Hoggaanka socdaal iyo Jinsiyada Jamuuriyadda Soomaaliya, Gaashaanle sare Maxamed Aden Jimcaale Koofi ayaa maanta booqasho aqoon kororsi ah ku tagay xaduudka Lawya-cado, ee aan la wadaagno dalka aan walaalaha nahay ee Jabuuti. Xuduudkan oo Ah Mid uu ka taliyo maamulka somaliland islamarkaana shacabka deegaankaasi ay kala kulmaan xuduudkaasi dhib aad u badan ayaa la filayaa in ay soo af godo dhibtaasi. Waa markii ugu horeesay oo masuul ka socda dawlada soomaaliya gaadho deegaanada maa,mulka Somaliland


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8 hours ago, Tillamook said:

Was this fellow on the Djibouti side of the "border" or Somali side?

xDxD Where do you think he is? 

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I took the

5 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

xDxD Where do you think he is? 

Gosh darn it: I took the title of the post at face value. ..🤫

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