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Animal Farm

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Waxaan maqli jiray markii mukulaal minin lagu xirxiro.... banaanka loo diido.. ninkii albaabka ka furaa mashaqo u talaa... Ar Tuujiye .. aqwaano...mukulaalyashaan ma iska dhaaftidoo... macno kale aabo u yeeshiyee!!


Zu Intaas cabsi aaqiro lee miyaane!


Animal I will be back to the States Inshallah in Dec.. I won't mind really meeting up with all the nomads from SOL in North America.. how about we meet in NY for the new years as well? Its a great place...and no I don't live in NY...but love the city;)

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OG Moti   

Ok, Somali saying says, Shuban nin uu hayo shurbad macabo...or something like that.. my point is


1. Some people want to meet up, most men wanting to meet females


2. Some dont want to meet up..


3. no one is meeting anyone, for following reasons


a. Somalis think .. everyone of us think, only him/her is the real human in cyper space the rest is just 0 and 1 binary


b. Men are afread to be harassed by the SOL women if they meet up, honestly some chicks here scare me all the time


c. Females think if the man sees her she will be his automatically..


So kibirka waa lagu kufaaa, and those who dont want to meet are not secure about themselves, they feel they might disappoint someone.. and that is dangerious...


I say anyone who doesnt want to meet up, is hidding something ugly.. so Who want not to meet?

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Zephy..kaalay I see their is no love lost between us...I know whou are with your new name....


but I'm wondering y aad ugu hadleysaa 7of Sagaal....?


Zephy as always people will never take your nac nac seriuos!

Really? LoL..seems like wax wareer ka badan inuu ku hayo. There was never any love lost here, and I am glad you finally figured out 'who' I am. All this name changing can be a bit confusing..especially for the less-than-bright. *Smirks*


Imagine advising Fidel not to pick on a girl and then doing the same thing? Mise, adigu you reserve the right inaad u naageysid cidaad rabtid?


Either way waxaagu waa caqli xumo soo taagan. I wish you would crawl back underneath whatever rock you crawled out of...and take the rest of the lunatics with you. icon_razz.gif





You know what? I say that word far too much these days. I think its because I have seen Sister Act too many times. *Must stop saying Halelluja*



Animal Farm,


Don't let 7 put you off. Meet-ups can be good. Go ahead and organise it. :cool:

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Zeph I dont' think i'm being bothered by 7 Meet ups can happen, I'm organizing a party/fundraiser in Ottawa soon, and i'm hoping many nomads from this site will show up.

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This event will be held in October, the date is not confirmed yet, but i would like to see sol-nomads in ottawa there for support, its for media awareness, and raising money for equipments such as computers and cameras.

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I don’t think of myself as ...a ‘scaredycat’, but statements like “[invite only] smart, outwardly-thinking and progressive individuals only†and “meetings behind closed doors†remind me of that movie “The Last Supperâ€..... those members of SOL who don’t share the same political views as the organizers of these meetups should probably think twice before coming to them... unless they don’t mind ending up as fertilizer for some “progressive†nutcase's tomato garden.

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unless they don’t mind ending up as fertilizer for some “progressive†nutcase's tomato garden.

I doubt Somalis are that nice to bury you after they’ve killed you, its not in them to be that rational to make use of your body after death – but the nutcase might bring some tomato’s from the garden for a potluck.


Nonetheless, I think the best way to get people interested in a summit meeting is to have them slowly meet up by word of mouth, I guess you can say invites only would be the best option.


But I say that’s crazy, I don’t think people are that vulgar when you meet them, they just like acting out their civil disobedience fantasies online --- but just in case bring your burner, knife, baseball bat or a bodyguard.


We’ll hold the meeting in a farm outside of the city, and people should bring their own name tags, just write your sol-name – and whoever has beef, they can settle it. We will be selling pop-corn on site as well – but bring your juice [no alcohol], but if you must, just put it in a coke bottle, if it’s a 40, put it in a brown bag.

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You've been dragging my name from thread to thread in the hope that I’d respond … but I don’t particularly enjoy trivial squabbles.. you'll just have find other ways ... I don’t know what ur problem with me is… I don’t even address you as I find you far too vulgar for my taste (it’s the truth)…

Ilaahey igama dhigo your


so kindly, take the little advice you’re offering Fidel and get off my back.

I seen since Fidel has been looking out for you, you doing the same for him..I thaught you were a fair person all this time and this little group u have was false but I guess I was wrong.


Anyways abaayo macaan, Raali Noqo.. I just wanted some proof of things that I heard and I found them for my self.


PS. Say No MORE!!




Imagine advising Fidel not to pick on a girl and then doing the same thing? Mise, adigu you reserve the right inaad u naageysid cidaad rabtid?

1st...Aniga wax naagees la dhaho ma aqaan and thats the truth. 2nd, hadii runta laguu sheegay miyaa lagu attack gareeyey?..

3rd aniga adigaa isoo raadsatay anigoo aan kula hadlin oo waxaad u naageyneesay sxbtaa....


Either way waxaagu waa caqli xumo soo taagan. I wish you would crawl back underneath whatever rock you crawled out of...
and take the rest of the lunatics with you.

Saa u socotay waa isku bantay...Maxaa dadkale usoo galineysaa hadii aadan rabin dhib iyo buuq..who are the "rest of the lunatics?" caqli leyda caqli badanidaa!!!


Wareer Badanaa!!

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Yeah we’re really desperate :(


No one is desparate, don’t get it twisted and no one is talking about a meet up anymore, er’body is scurd --- ps. It’s always good to expand your circle of friends, apart from your family members. ;)

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