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Beautiful Shirib by Abshir Bacadle

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lol,hadaan fahmey, JC ma gabaygaas ba weli maskaxdiisa ka guuxayey?



Bal sug aan ugu ceshee,lol :D


Ma aha Feysaloow goosashadu reero kala guuray


Oo arigi kala guranayoo geeli kala soocday


Oo xoolihii kala geddiyoo gobolba meel aaday


Oo awrku maqashii ku guray xariggana u giijay



Mar uun buu nikaaxani guntamay gaasir ma ahayne


Gundhiggiyo heshiiskii la galay miyaadan soo gaarin


Gugaagaa yar ee Feysaloow gacaloow aashaada


Inaad gacan labaad doorataa kuuma soo geline


Afartaa intaan kaga gudboo waan gunaanadaye



Maxkamaddiini gabar lagu habsaday gadatay dhiiggeeda


Goaankeedii nacasnimo ma waan gobi ka shuureynin


Ma golayaashii iyo guurtigibaa garasho naafoobay


Ma gablamay Cigaal ficil xun waa laga gadoodaaye



Guddiga habar-magaadlahoo wanjalay gabaraan qaan-gaarin


Oo si ay god ugu sii ridaan weli la goobaaya


Wax taariikhda galayaa jiroo lagu gumoobaaye


Ku gaar-yeela ficilkaa ninkii gabadha eedeeyay



Gaangeeti jaqaleysigii waydin gaasiraye


Geenyada yaroo soo martiday guriga sheybkiinna


Amay gabadhu ka hinaastay waa gob iyo xeerkeede


Oo odaygu garan waayay waxa gubaya xaaskiisa


Haddii gogosha lagu hiifayoo lagu gantaaleeyay


Gar maahayn inuu gabadha xiroo cadow u geeyaaye


Goaankiisa nacasnimo mawaan gobi ka shuureynin



Nebi Yuusuf wixii gaaraybaa meesha soo galaye


Zam-Zamna kiis ma gelin ee Maseyr guuxayaa xiraye


Guntii hadalku waa kaa haddaad garan kareysiine



Beel yahay gadoodayoo godaydoo gabar ku ciil beeshay


Oo inan yaroo guri gashay ay kaga gariirsiisay


Oo garan waayay wuxu waa gabaraan wax idin gaarsiinin


Ma weydnaan gabdhaha sharaf u hayn garasho yeelkeede



Gun iyo baar ma gaangeetigaa gubaya ruuxiinna


Gobos-nowdii xabashida miyaa tan idin gaarsiisay


Gablan talo adduuneey maxaa galaya Taariikhda



Gacal ma lahan nabad-sugiddu waa shuuci gaamuraye


God buu idinku riday odaygii aad garabsanayseene


Geenyada darmaantaa rag waa gacalo eegaaye



Waxaan gacani qaban baa jiroo Gobi ka sheexdaaye


Mar waa gabar, mar waa idiin gayaan, mana ay qaan-gaarin


Marna guri Nin weyn bay gashoo waad u gudubteene


Hubna gacanta kumey sidane waad gubi lahaydeene


Gun miyaad tihiin ficil xun waa laga gadoodaaye


Saqiir magan il-galacle ah miyey idin ka geyn weyday


Maxaa gabar qariibahoo martiya loo argaagixiyay


Afartaa intaan kaga gudboo waan gunaanadaye



Lixdankii nikaaxi aan galnood gacanta soo taagtay


Anna aan guddoon kugu aqbaloon kaawada u giijay


Guntana aan badweynta u dhignaa goo is leedahaye


Ma gil-gili kadhiin boqon sanoo gocosho riintiine


Halkaan feylashiinni u gudbiyay amase gaarsiiyay


Feysaloow ma gaadhiin Tikrena garanba maayaane


Inaad naga godiin iyo bal daa gaalo raacnimo e


Gundhiggiyo heshiiskii adigu amaadan soo gaarin


Gulufkiyo hinaaskiini waa soo gabaabsadaye


Goaankii Tikrihu Feysaloow waa gabaa hirige


Gidaar adag ragbaa u dhigay si aan la iiga kaa goyne


Intey caradu gaagixi un baad gooni joog tahaye


Inaan gacan labaad kuu fasaxo iima soo geline

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

What do people think about the qabil poems of Sayid Muhamad?

I Love them....did the sayid spare anyone? Nopes.


The sayid was a good man in a troubled society, he couldn't cure the society. He failed, but atleast he tried to bring change for the good. The Sayid deserves our respect because he tried, while allot of men rolled over and played dead. Since the Sayids time not much has changed in our society.


If you read his poems read it with the intention to learn from his experiences. Don't read with the usual tribal eyewear.

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Abusing other clans of of sexual obscentity( with their mothers) amongst other things was hardly a good move. In fact, it was probably one of the biggest mistakes he made!

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^get over it. A good man, who was frustrated with the id*ots that surrounded him, called them names.


It's about actions, visions and reaching goals.


You call yourself abu geeljire, come here with some pirate flag and you are questioning the poems of a great man who fought for the liberation of his land against colonial oppressors and their dabodhil*fs.


You are doing to the legacy of the Sayyid what the TFG cheerleaders are doing right now. So what makes you better then the TFG supporters?


You are critisising the poems of a man who fought for islam, liberty and the honour of the Somali nation. Why do you do this? is weydii.

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Thanks Dabshid.


Beel yahay gadoodayoo go’daydoo gabar ku ciil beeshay

Oo inan yaroo guri gashay ay kaga gariirsiisay

Oo garan waayay wuxu waa gabar aan wax idin gaarsiinin

Ma weydnaan gabdhaha sharaf u hayn garasho yeelkeede

Gun iyo baar ma gaangeesigaa gubaya ruuxiinna

Gobos-nowdii xabashida miyaa tan idin gaarsiisay

Gablan talo adduuneey maxaa galaya Taariikhda

Gacal ma lahan nabad-sugiddu waa shuuci gaamuraye

God buu idinku riday odaygii aad garabsanayseene

Geenyada darmaantaa rag waa gacalo eegaaye

Halkan ka dhageyso


I thought JB got over that. Still holding grudge about this one? A teenager incarcerated for six months?

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Originally posted by me:

^get over it. A good man, who was frustrated with the id*ots that surrounded him, called them names.


It's about actions, visions and reaching goals.


You call yourself abu geeljire, come here with some pirate flag and you are questioning the poems of a great man who fought for the liberation of his land against colonial oppressors and their dabodhil*fs.


You are doing to the legacy of the Sayyid what the TFG cheerleaders are doing right now. So what makes you better then the TFG supporters?


You are critisising the poems of a man who fought for islam, liberty and the honour of the Somali nation. Why do you do this? is weydii.

Your getting over emotional( as usual) and resorting to personal attacks( once again)! Whether or not I have pic of a "pirate flag", isn't particularly important to this discussion. That pirate flag is similar to the Islamic flags and banners that all Muslims carried in history, including Imam Ahmad Gurey who hoisted at the capital city of the Tigray region. The Prophet( saw) also carried an Islamic banner, although not the same as the one( black and white) that is used today! As for the digs @ my internet nick,lol, is all I can say.



Sayid Muhamad Abdullah Hassan is not a god or a Prophet. The poems he made against entire clans, which containted obscene language of a sexual nature were wrong and was probably a mistake!



As for the rest of Somalinimo lecture: have we not heard it all before? I mean your a man who champions Somalinimo and Unity, but the moment someone disagrees with your view, you resort to call them "seccecionist khat heads, surwalgaabs, dhabodhilifs". Where is the unity you speak about?

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Beel yahay gadoodayoo go’daydoo gabar ku ciil beeshay

Oo inan yaroo guri gashay ay kaga gariirsiisay

Oo garan waayay wuxu waa gabar aan wax idin gaarsiinin

Ma weydnaan gabdhaha sharaf u hayn garasho yeelkeede

Gun iyo baar ma gaangeesigaa gubaya ruuxiinna

Gobos-nowdii xabashida miyaa tan idin gaarsiisay

Gablan talo adduuneey maxaa galaya Taariikhda

Gacal ma lahan nabad-sugiddu waa shuuci gaamuraye

God buu idinku riday odaygii aad garabsanayseene

Geenyada darmaantaa rag waa gacalo eegaaye

Wuu ku ridyay Nabeee

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