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Top 7 Questions To Ask

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Top 7 Questions To Ask To Get The Ball Rolling Towards Your Dreams


A lot of people say they need to "get the ball rolling." They know it's necessary in order to get to their dreams, but they don't do it anyway. Are you one of these people?


Living your dreams happens in stages, and you can't get there unless you start somewhere. What keeps you from getting the ball rolling? Are you afraid that you can't reach your dreams? Do you believe that you can reach your dreams, but it would take too much time? Have you tried to get the ball rolling, but failed, and are afraid of trying again?


Whatever your inner conversation is, it is keeping you from moving forward. True, you do get to play it safe, and you don't have to make any more mistakes, but is that how you want to live your life?


So, how do you get started? You push the ball. Pushing the ball takes courage and a belief in yourself. Trust that if the ball hits a tree, goes over a rock, or moves faster than you think it should go, you will be able to handle it.


So, what can you do to push the ball towards your dreams? See below to discover how you are standing in your own way:


  • What Are You Saying To Yourself? Do you talk negatively to yourself? Find all the reasons why not? Instead, become aware of what these negative messages are costing you, and stop them before they begin. If you give yourself positive messages instead, over time they will become a routine part of how you think.
  • Do You Love Your Job? Or, do you live for the weekend? If this is the case, then it is time to do something about it. Take action! By sending out just one resume, or making one phone call, you will feel better about your situation. You will no longer be a victim, but a person who is taking control of the situation. This is a more powerful place to be.
  • What Do You Do When You Are Not Working? When was the last time you did something for you that helped get the ball rolling? Everyday you get to choose what you will do in your free time. It is not the other way around.
  • Do You Have People In Your Life That Support You? Are they people that bring you up or drag you down? Bring positive people into your life so they can help you reach your goals, and live your dreams.
  • What Are You Eating? Are you eating healthy? Or, do use food so you don't have to think about what's not working in your life? Have you tried keeping a food diary for just one week? Or, are you afraid what you might see? The first step is to feed your body healthy food so you'll have the energy to keep the ball rolling.
  • Are You Active? Do you exercise on a regular basis? If not, then I ask "Why Not?" There are so many ways to keep fit today that anyone can find something they can do, even if it is just running up and down stairs instead of using the elevator. So get the ball rolling and begin an exercise program today.
  • Who Can Help You Get Out Of Your Own Way? Who do you need to talk to? This could include speaking with the one person who knows someone who can help you. (And, you know who these people are!) Sometimes we don't ask for help because we are afraid that person will say no. Give up this fear, and start speaking to the people you need to speak to today.
Go After Your Dreams!

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