
Hassan sheikh need to answer this.

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Even if it is true, we do not need to buy their excuse. There is a new government and they need to deal the new government. The parliament close the case with vote.

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46 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

Even if it is true, we do not need to buy their excuse. There is a new government and they need to deal the new government. The parliament close the case with vote.

Laakiin hadii marwlaba oo dowlad cusub timaado ay tiraahdo ma aqoonsani dowladii  hore waxay saxiixday taasi waxay keenaysaa  in aan la aamini karin dowlada Somalia.

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Dhageyso:-Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in RW Kheyre uu Saami ku leeyahay Kaydka haamaha Shidaalka Berbera

Dhageyso:-Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in RW Kheyre uu Saami ku leeyahay Kaydka haamaha Shidaalka Berbera
Swrka-Webka-61-150x150.jpgBy Radio Dalsan Reporter on Apr 18, 2018

Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland oo maalmahaan ku sugnaa Magalada Berbera ayaa Maanta booqday Keydka haamaha ee Dekada  Berbera,waxaana Guddigu ay sheegeen in

Guddiga ayaa waxaa hogagaminayay xildhibaan Naasir Xaaji Cali Shire oo ka mid ah Guddigaas,waxa uuna sheegay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya uu saami ku leeyahay Shirkada  laga kireeyey Keydka Haamaha shidaalka Dekada Berbera ee Berbera oil Group.

“waxaa noosoo baxday in ay khatar ku jirto hamaha shidaalka Berbero,waayo waxaa jiro cadaw ka faa’iideysanayo Shirkadan ku buhoobay halkaan oo intooda badan laheynba cida leh ayna diideen in ay sheegaan Berbera Oil Group,waxan xaqiiqsanay in ra’iisul Wasaaraha  Soomaliya uu qeyb ku leeyahay ayuu yiri Xildhibaanka

w4Marka laa soo tago Warka ka soo baxay Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland,majirto cid sirasmi ah u xaqiijisay Saamiga la sheegay in shirkadaas uu ku leeyahay Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa horay Saami ugu lahaa Shirkadda Som oil and Gas balse markii Ra’iisul Wasaare loo Magacabay uu kala baxay Saamigii uu ku lahaa.

Hoos Ka Dhageyso Codka.


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The UAE and others will continue using corrupt officials and IC installed regional warlords to keep the central government weak.  


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"Wasiiru dawlaha arimaha dibedda ee Dowlada  imaaraadka Carabta Dr.Anwar Qarqaash ayaa sheegey in ay heshiishka dekedda Berbera la galeen xukuumadii hore ee Soomaliya, Xiligii Dowlada Xasan shiikh Maxamuud.

Waxauu raaciyey Waraysiga in ay taageersanyihiin Midnimada Soomaaliya oo aanay safaarad iyo qunsuliyad ku lahayn Somaliland .  Sidoo kale waxaa Ku jiray waraysiga in Heshiis aysan La gelin Maamulka Soomaaliland, Balse ay dalka ku joogaan Heshiis Dowladeed oo Rasmi ah"


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1 hour ago, Ifiye said:

The UAE and others will continue using corrupt officials and IC installed regional warlords to keep the central government week.  


Don't jump accusing your fellow Somali of being installed by someone foreign. Especially regional governments. They have a population behind them and a reason for doing so.

As soon as you point finger accusing your fellow Somali of being foreign support, you are putting your self in the service of another foreign influence.

All those accusing fellow Somali of siding with UAE are shamelessly with Qatar. They just hide by making Qatar (supporter of terrorism) as Somali friend and UAE which actually contributed a lot in the fight against terrorism, as enemy of Somali.


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If I were president Farmaajo I would appoint Hassan Shiek as foreign minister, or make him speaker or make him in charge of some very important function.

He can deal with Djibouti, Ethiopia, Turkey, Kenya, Uganda sensibly and competently. In the home front he can deal with regions and concerns. He would handle many files more competently.

These are countries that have interest and place in Somalia same as Somalia have interest and place in their affairs.

He would also be more productive in the accomodation with Somaliland of the no war, no trust, no agreed peace....with Mugadisho.


Accusing someone of being UAE while yourself being a Qatar will not get people anywhere except creating another front and wasting lives, time and resource.

But since a Tigray, Tigray AI, saying this go ahead those unrealistic, by taking the complete opposite. No time to see things on their merits. Only what and who is saying this. If an Ethiopian says this, must be against Somalia is the modus operandi some of you follow.


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15 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Somalia cidi uma maqna magaceedana soomaaliba colaad la abuurayo umada lagu kala fogaynaya. And as long as the incompetent leaders in somalia have audiences who buy into the countless bogeymen keeping somalia down, somsliland been number 1, gooladagas ka bixi maayaan. Ha wareegto. 




Weak and unprincipled politicians always hide behind bogeyman titles and phantom enemies.

In Mogadishu its Ethiopia, Somaliland, Kenya, Puntland and even Bay that get blamed for this or that failure. Yet I have never seen a single issue that is so significant for Somalia that failed because of these entities.

Those who speak of bogeyman are first to deal with the bogeyman. Late president Barre had no qualms calling Ethiopians to help and sending General Morgan when he needed.

One of the power houses in Mogadishu also had no qualms being friend of Ethiopia when needed to compete with the other power house there.

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3 hours ago, Ifiye said:

Dhageyso:-Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in RW Kheyre uu Saami ku leeyahay Kaydka haamaha Shidaalka Berbera

Dhageyso:-Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in RW Kheyre uu Saami ku leeyahay Kaydka haamaha Shidaalka Berbera
Swrka-Webka-61-150x150.jpgBy Radio Dalsan Reporter on Apr 18, 2018

Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland oo maalmahaan ku sugnaa Magalada Berbera ayaa Maanta booqday Keydka haamaha ee Dekada  Berbera,waxaana Guddigu ay sheegeen in

Guddiga ayaa waxaa hogagaminayay xildhibaan Naasir Xaaji Cali Shire oo ka mid ah Guddigaas,waxa uuna sheegay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya uu saami ku leeyahay Shirkada  laga kireeyey Keydka Haamaha shidaalka Dekada Berbera ee Berbera oil Group.

“waxaa noosoo baxday in ay khatar ku jirto hamaha shidaalka Berbero,waayo waxaa jiro cadaw ka faa’iideysanayo Shirkadan ku buhoobay halkaan oo intooda badan laheynba cida leh ayna diideen in ay sheegaan Berbera Oil Group,waxan xaqiiqsanay in ra’iisul Wasaaraha  Soomaliya uu qeyb ku leeyahay ayuu yiri Xildhibaanka

w4Marka laa soo tago Warka ka soo baxay Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland,majirto cid sirasmi ah u xaqiijisay Saamiga la sheegay in shirkadaas uu ku leeyahay Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa horay Saami ugu lahaa Shirkadda Som oil and Gas balse markii Ra’iisul Wasaare loo Magacabay uu kala baxay Saamigii uu ku lahaa.

Hoos Ka Dhageyso Codka.

Ma waxay kawadaan inay ceebeeyaan Khayre. Hadiise ayba ogaayeen maxay gabadha yar uxirayeen.

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A lot of Monday morning quarter backs are questioning why Hassan Shiek signed agreement with Somaliland. Some of you even have the audacity to call him traitor, Corrupt etc.

Have you ever considered this fact of life:

No investment will be done in Somalia and also in Somaliland unless both of them guarantee that, even in the worst case if they war each other will still respect investment agreements entered for development only development activities by either side.

Actually Ghelleh needs a thank you and praises for helping both in achieving this agreement.

Do you think Somalia can have all kinds of investment raining on her, yet is able to stop a penny rolling towards Somaliland? If you believe that then you are being dishonest to yourself. Look at Puntland and investments not only China, but even American companies were interested. Tell me if you had money and would invest it in any of these places with current situation that is uncertain.

I do not know, I am too small to know, but have my doubt that the visits by Farmaajo and Bixi to Djibouti within days of each other probably had something to do with it.


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