Che -Guevara

UAE suspends issuing visas to Somali passport holders

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They did the same thing to Djibouti last year. No more free visa and they even rounded up Djibouti passport holders from their cities and deported them   

There will be short term pain but we might gain and independent country. From now on the Somali economy , trade and livelihood should never be connected deeply with the gulf boys. Just look what they did to their cousins  and neighbor Qatar. 

I would never visit a crime invested 45 degree he’ll called Dubai 

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Who needs miyi-mentality reer baadiyo Imaaraad. What do they ever produce? Zero. Transit hub ee yihiin ayaa beenta u sheegay.

We can bring Iiraan in, una fasixi karnaa baddeena balaaran ha isku xaaraanee if they don't cease these aggresions. Soomaaliya is not in 2008.

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They think they can bully us into submission. They can only try to bully civil-strived countries like Liibiya, Yeman and us. They certainly can't touch Suudaan, whom Qadar invested far more and has much closer relationship. We are neutral, Soomaaliya didn't take a side, but they are compelling us each day to take a side.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 2:35 PM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

They think they can bully us into submission. They can only try to bully civil-strived countries like Liibiya, Yeman and us. They certainly can't touch Suudaan, whom Qadar invested far more and much closer relationship. We are neutral, Soomaaliya didn't take a side, but they are compelling us each day to take a side.

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You are correct, but the world is not fair. Somalia is far close to the action than Sudan, Ethiopia or Djibouti. UAE was able to kick out Qatar from Eritrea. The Saudis and UAE combined pressure and threats made Eritrea to make a complete 180 degree turn in couple of months.

SFG should find a way to calm down this issue and fast. Every day spent on this weakens the unity of purose and unity of action. Ethiopia is in the same boat as Somalia, and Sudan, but politicians do not even mention let alone to make it a do or die issue.

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Somalia should stick to its guns. One can't go to wherever the wind blows. There is another brewing tension between Saudis and UAE, what next? Somalia has to choose between these two.

If this tit for tat continues, Somalia will lose economically but politically, it is UAE that will look weak. They are spending unnecessary political capital on fragile state whose alliance cannot tip the balance of power in the region.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 3:07 PM, Oodweyne said:

I beg to differ with you in here. For both politically and economically, the UAE will take Somalia to the "proverbial cleaners", mark my word. And more importantly, the decision to take AUE to the UNSC, will in time be seen as a monumental own goal by Somalia. And, if you think now the UAE is over-reacting wait till they sort their differences out with the KSA, which is not a fundamental difference but one based on tactics. So, buckle up, mate, Somalia seem to have foolishly interfered with a hornet's nest (as it were). 

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I will mark your word!!

You overestimate these family enterprises.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 3:01 PM, Che -Guevara said:

Somalia should stick to its guns. One can't go to wherever the wind blows. There is another brewing tension between Saudis and UAE, what next? Somalia has to choose between these two.

If this tit for tat continues, Somalia will lose economically but politically, it is UAE that will look weak. They are spending unnecessary political capital on fragile state whose alliance cannot tip the balance of power in the region.

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Why not take advice from Mr. Ghelleh on how to swim in this meky waters. The man is a Somali so you can speak to him without interpreter, the man is experienced, the man is in life thretening fight with UAE.

Or steal some pages from his book.

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It is very easy for Western educated arm-chair online warriors to say let us do this and that against UAE, but the hundreds of thousands of Somali business owners whose livelihood depends on trade with the Dubai and UAE, it is a disaster to hear this. 

Let us not be arrogant and play ego games with our people. The UAE refusing to give visas to Somalis is very very bad for the Somali community. The Somali government must fix this. 



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The somali bussiness I know, was parpering this for long time and moving their files to somalia and other golf friendly countries. Qatar and Omaan offer same services. Oman is even closer to Somalia. Moqdisho port is now a container port too. This is a decision about somali nationhood. The government should be firm about it is decition and should never accept the demand of these corrupt people.

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