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A Word with Abtigiis Tolka

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Dear A&T,


First of all Ramadan Karim. Ilaahay bishan khayrkeeda ha ina siiyo.


I would like to have a word with you taking the opportunity of this holly month which i hope you will understand what i'm saying.


Let me say you are crazy ,, yes crazy by your words and crazy by selecting some strange stories. Does that mean you're crazy by nature ? ,, now it is Ramadan and i hope inaad is dejin doonto.


Stop running after women. If they want you they will come to you no matter what. No one will stop their way. If they don't then you don't have to run after them. Looks like you are jumping from one to another and that is not good for your health.


Stop the damn Calaacal niyow. You don't need to do that. No one giving a shyytt about what you are calaacaling about and i'm sure you have the experience for the few months you stayed in SOL. All those screaming, iga soo gaadhaay, waar iga qabtaay and noo gar naqaay is not good for your mind.


Focus Focus focus ,, when writing a story first make it short so that poeple can read it easily. Most of us are connected from work and you can imagine how long it will take you to read a topic while in the office. Again you need to finish the story you started before you start another one. See ? you are in between two rocks, to make it short and to finish the story. Sure the great writer can do that.



To be continued ...............

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Dear A&T,


Stop running after women. If they want you they will come to you no matter what. No one will stop their way.

They are not coming JB! :D:D I have waited for too long.

Warkaa iga daa oo, ma wax baad ii haysaaa?? ramadaan karim saaxiib!


On the length of my stories, I balame you: The impatient reader. How on earth do you think a story can be told without first bulding the characters! that takes some lines.

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You are mixing a novel with a short story. You can build your characters in one line only or one paragraph max ....... remember you are not writing a book, it is a short story on SOL. You should know your audiences first.



Haye inta kele waad igu waafaqday sow maaha ,,,,



They are not coming JB! I have waited for too long

Now who is impatient ??? ,, :D

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Thanks for the inaccurate lessons on short story writing. Anyway, hawshaas waxaan geliyay moratorium'e, macalin xaggaa baan ahaye wax war ah?

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War ma jiree ka hadh ,,, ka hadh baaba lagu leeyahaye maxaad sii waraysanaysaa ... :D


Ma maqashay tii hooyadeed waaninaysay ee tidhi " ii dhaqso waa la i sugayaaye" ,, loooooooooooool

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Waar niyow i told you to stop runtii .. at least during Ramadan bal. How come you want to run after someone who doesn't want you bal ?? ,,,


You have a good appitate runtii ,, :D

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PM waa la ii bixi waayay. That is what I have come public. Anyway, waa Ramadaane bal danbiga inaga daaya!


Aniga quraankan islahaa wax ku qabso, it seems most SOL ladies have gone beyind 'WA-NAAZICAAT'- that is where I stopped. :D:D

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Nuune, waan la socdaa! Adigu PM baan hadda kuugu warami; meelo la ii tilmaamay baa jiree. Bal adigaa soo maraye, aad iga ilaalisid wixii over-age ah!

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