Che -Guevara

UAE is exploring imposing immigration restrictions on Somalis

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This was expected. It remains to be seen now if government can withstand pressure from regions and businessmen and families where the rubber meets the road.

The government needs to move on, the more time spent on this the more trouble.

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  On 4/17/2018 at 7:57 PM, Holac said:

In the end, the poor Somalis will be holding the empty bag.

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Absolutely no doubt. Even some regions will be now affected for nothing in return. You can ask people to sacrifice, but if the sacrifice has no return or there is other groups, not only not sacrificing, but benefitting it will leave bitter taste on people.


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There is another competition affecting the government as well. Uganda and Egypt is fighting life and death situation in South Sudan. Opposite are Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia. They do not war directly, but groups in South Sudan are proxies. The president is with Uganda and the rebels are with Sudan.

That is perfect example of how not to deal with ones neighbors. This is visible in Somalia, the competition between Uganda and Kenya.

But this UAE thing can be very destructive for Somalia, unless the SFG moves away from this issue and focuses on more importnat ones fast and soon, like yesterday.

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UAE was determined to make a regime change in Somali, soon after their favorite did not win the election. When the golf rift started it got worse. They also stopped the direct contribution they used to make into federal government budget.In order Farmaajo team to stay power, they were forced to react and defend themselves.

It seems the issue already resolved through closed-door meetings. They will get their money back and continue to run some program in moqdisho, somaliland and puntland. They will never harm extremely the business dealing they have with Somalis. Not only Somalia exports a  more than a billion dollar value from Dubai or through UAE but also, Somalis business people export billions of dollar of export to other African countries. Afterall Somali is one of their top traders. Lot of product they make goes straight to Somali even raw milk.

UAE is the net winner but poor Somalis losing little means a lot more. The golf stopped buying Somali livestock three years ago. They are buying from other countries for a different reason. After the latest incident, I  am guessing the relationship will be somewhat better. Trump is also planning to mediate golf countries in the summer and their fight in the horn will slow down.

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OO, do not worry for Somalis in Dubai. The nation is more important than few traders. 

The Dubai mafia does not produce anything, they are just banks and staging ground for goods exported to other places  which could be set up any place. The Somali Hawala and others knew these issues long ago and are probably relocated their money.

Do have to wait them when they build their base in Berbera and bomb us? no way. 

It is small sacrifice compared to what Somali refugees in Dhadaab or other places go through. Let them bring their money from Eastleigh and Dubai and come home. 

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  On 4/18/2018 at 12:28 AM, galbeedi said:

OO, do not worry for Somalis in Dubai. The nation is more important than few traders. 

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Alla habar fadhida lagdintu la fududaa. I am sure if the relationship between Canada and Mr Cheese got to a point where your host country decides to deport you back, you would be the first to call for the carpet bombing of villa Somalia and anything associated with it :D

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  On 4/18/2018 at 12:28 AM, galbeedi said:

OO, do not worry for Somalis in Dubai. The nation is more important than few traders. 

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That maybe true, but only to a degree. But the nation has to be nation of fairness as well. If someone is making money while the other is made to loose money, and the one making money is not sharing a penny, then it is not possible, and not fair to demand loyalty to the country.

This file in my view has been totally mishandled and misused during the Khyre Jawari tussle. Some are trying to milk this cow until the cow dies. Mr. Farmaajo should move fast to calm the waters and normalize the relationship as much as possible, before another chapter of time wasting issues in parliament or government are started.


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Look intimidation and threat will not work. They tried to build a base without our permission and yet you want us to beg the fat guys? 

Eveyone including your I’ll said that we should have joined the gulf disputes in order to make some money. 

There is nothing in Dubai. Transit hub of the Middle East is going to be Istanbul and with war in Yemen and that neighbor hood the world must avoid those places. 

You can send another Ethiopia and gulf campaign to destabilize through the parliament but it won’t work. 

Cry and cry

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