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Sol Canadian meeting somali week!!

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Brofessor, yes. Wa wada Reer Sheff.


Tujiye, I won't be there but if you get to play those guys be ready for some proper English football. None of that stuff you lot play over there.

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^^^ loooooooool... Yarta isha aad igu heysid iska jooji.. just don't run and cry around.. this time everyone sees that you started on me because sidii jaadka aad cuntid habeen iyo maalin ayaan kuu qabtaa hadaan ka maqnaado meeshaan. with out me meeshaan borded aad ku tahay dhoorayahee lol aniga iyo adiga waan iskaseynaa cajuusayahee goomaha eestarada leh!!


Cadaan I have all the respect for you man but I'm nice to does that I like lol..



KK, Aftin My brother ayaa u ciyaari jiray and aniga wee i neceb yihiib ever since 2004 when I scored on them and did something bad on the bench crew lol... But I was gonna play for them till my brother called me to his team that he plays for, Somali Stars. so Now iinsha allah I plan to play for Somali Star if my knee gets better..... I see bajaq yaashii sasamaanikooyinka iftin isku maqiiqin jiray aa tahay oo shafka banaanka soo dhigi jiray, ar hadaan wagaas ku kasee mar hore aan kaa tirtiri lahaa laakiin hada is too late goal aa marhore lagaa xareeye looooooool....



Northner is too bad you won't be playing bro, iinsha allah you will have fun in sweden lol.. I'll see what this team got.. UK players do have tactics but they have no fitness and body.. they are too skinny and not fit.. Somali Star is half UK and and half Canada laakiin lol.. But I'll be at the back doing my thing lol..w'll see how fit these kids are.........



Bless and who are you new one? did you just pick up on the Tuujiye hate card or your bajaq AZZZ knew me before? lol..


I'm inviting everyone to this get together uk, US and canadian all wlc.........

pm me if y'all are down with this iinsha allah...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^Oo Sweden maxaa geeni? LoL


My football days are numbered saxib. No more international trips to just play football.


Good luck and I hope the week goes well for Reer Koronto.

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Everyone is invited accept for tuujiya and Lazie

I am afraid I can't take a dis from someone who can't tell accept & except apart.


KK, lol, saas maa inkaar ila jeceshahay by mentioning me in the same breath as those other characters.

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Geel Jire, thanks for coming to my defence (very gentlemanly of you), but you dont need to put yourself in the line of cay, this dude has bullaacad for maskax (so that explains the overflowing verbal sewage :D ).


It doesnt bother me.

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Tuujiye, I might be there on the opening day on Kowda Luulyo, Eebba hadduu idmo. If aad aadeysid adigana ila soo socodsii. Will there be again two tournaments at the same time? I hope not. If I miss the opening, then the final noqonee inaa imaado, but hopefully the opening imaaanaa.


MMA, hayeh, amaa i dhahdaa hee Xamdi aa ku banaan bexeysiin idinkoo t-shirts calanka Somaliya horay ugayaal, kan Canadana gadaal uga masawiran yahay?

Haa nooh, Kuusha, finaanadeey calanka Soomaaliya laga sameeye, oo baluugta ahayd, oona "Waryaa™" trademark geeska garabka ugu qorantahay imaanaa. Aw gaaboow aa ahayee, kistoo taag taagso yaah saa ii aragtid, haddii kale dadka ku dhex dhumaa ma la iga arkaayee, wah. :D



Nuune, when will a Soomaali team from Ireland ever arrive in Koronto to participate? I am sure a good Soomaali team, capable of playing a decent soccer game can be found in Ireland. Kamoon. Heck, a Soomaali team from Australia even arrived here a few years ago. I hope inaynan jirin any logistical problems.


Just got tired seeing xiito xiito players of several teams from UK year in and out.

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"Call me so I could make it juicy 4 ya!! some one is getting licked like a lali pop!! lil weeeeeeezy said it not I!! So mr Geel Jire I hope is Juicy 4ya!!!



MMA saaxiib if I don't make it to T.O to play, i'll come their at the end marka ee meesha isku daba dhaceyso... But If I do make it, I'll be wearing a somali star jursy or maybe Iftin if the price is right lol... I'm playing the bigger side saaxiib laakiin normaly I play on both sides laakiin dhinaca loo badan yahay ayaan aniga si fiican oo daacad ah ugu ciyaraa.. North Star aan u dhaarsanahay this year and any london teams...


Northner, does are the words of a good family man saaxiib maasha allah... I didn't play for 3 years aniga soo is good to be back.. laakiin wiligee qaarad kale banooni (kubad lol) uma aadeen walaahi....laakiin for bajaq sabaaxadees, looooooool why not!!! joke!! i'll let you know the details.



Wareer Badanaa!!

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MMA, We are thinking of coming there to Koronto next year Inshaa Allaah for the tournament, we have being to Sweden several times, and this year as well on July, no logistical problems at all.


Marka, I present that idea to the players and see how they like going there, I know everyone would say "YES", would be great to be there.



Tuujiska, waraa qas lee maa ku jiree abidkaa adi bajaqyahow bulunqo cunka badan :D

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dadkaan ku yaqaana waajibkooda kama soo baxin

Geelka, what does the above quote really mean? I think I have an idea, but I will let you explain yourself.

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I was expecting anigana inuu ii miiso, but no worries walaal it needed to be said.





Hadalkayga waxaan u qaatay inuu cadyahay, but just to make sure .. i will pm the people I am talking about because clearly tuujiye aniga iima dhaga nugla.

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These days somali waa weyn aa soo tuurtaa.


PS:Tuujiska did comment about a lolly pop in reference to lil wayne's hit song. lol wuxuu ku dhahay lollypop aa nuugtaa aka something else lanuugo, but I refuse inaan sidaas usii fasiro.

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Layzie, I saw you lambasting Abtigiis on another thread on my behalf LOL. How do you reconcile your objection to Abtigiis' comments with your obvious approval of your buddy's here? Exactly, what sort of mind-filter do you use when you decide what is insulting and what isnt to me?

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Having fun there L.G


lol@ I refuse inan sidaas u fasiro old do you think i am adeer ?? if you're looking for entertainment watch TV, cuz sorry to disappoint but ninkaan cay kuma gaadho so am not even going to try.



but here is some food for thought, you remember a few months back when you were in the middle of a similar case ? ... what tuujiye has written here is no less insulting ... and alot of people were screaming for your head on a stick ...shouldn't he have to apologize or at the bare minimum be publicly reprimanded ... what are your thoughts ?



iima dhaga nugla = not receptive to what i have to say.

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