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Pro-Gay books for 5 year olds?

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Sin or the capacity of committing sins is something acquired not inborn or part of the human fitrah Cara. It is emergent not built-in, avoidable but certainly not inevitable. It is a deliberate conscious violation of the unequivocal law of God. If man and humans does something that is truly caused by natural inclination, predisposition or absolutely irresistible drives and uncontrollable urges, then such an act is not a sin in Islam. Otherwise, God’s purpose will be pointless and man’s responsibility will be in vain. God demands of man what lies within the human possibilities and reaches.


Every human-being is created perfect and pure as a child by Allah. Fitrah is as an inborn natural predisposition which cannot change, and which exists from birth in all human beings. The reality of Human beings committing unlawful sins and wrong acts is not because of any innate wrong within their nature but due to the simple fact that humans have a free will and intellect and thus may decide and choose to commit sins that are unlawful and wrong. Other factors such negative effects from early socialisation or the wrong surroundings can also make human-beings commit acts of sins. But the human fitrah of Allah never changes and it cannot be polluted or changed. If someone commits acts that go against that fitrah e.g. by disbelieving in Allahs uniqueness and going against Allah’s commandment of worshipping him alone according to the fitrah or by committing acts of sins, human beings only deny and go against their own nature, that’s why if they do not return to that fitrah instilled in them by Allaah and which is present from birth, destruction and downfall will befall them and lead to their subsequent demise and doom inshallah.

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Parents in a nearby district of mine took Al Gore's new movie about global warming off the lesson list, I wonder how the district officials would even bing up the idea of pro-Gay books. :D


I have long come to the conclusion that Gay Marriage is more likely to be legalized in one of the so-called "secular" Muslim nations then the United States and that says it all. smile.gif

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Ah! The dullard still whines on and on.


Very well. Since there is no hope in the world in conducting an actual discussion with Younis, for he's too busy performing to the gallery, I think it's high time I quit this thread.


But, oh! My mischievous nature would just not let me. So let me ask the central question once more:


Lets walk you through it, son.


What is the logical explanation that says two men (or two women) should not have sex with each other? I don't want any drivel; I want a logical explanation.


Is normal Zina (between man and woman) a faaxisha? Has it not been referred to in the quran as such (al faaxisha too, for good measure)?



As for the normal natural interchange (in the great line of mine that you keep quoting) it's all in the context you untutored oaf. I repeat, I did not say it was normal (in the way you claim). To say it's normal is to approve of it. To say it's natural is to recognise that there is no default position for sexual urges.


Let the dice fly high and hope the response this time will be different.

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by NGONGE:

I don't want any drivel; I want a
logical explanation

With all due respect Ngonge , you guyz have no Cat in Hell's chance of getting logical explanations from where there is none.


Both You and Xiin have been bending over backwards

to concede an imaginary point, maybe in the interest of securing bigger one, but you can't have that without giving the dog a real good name.


Let me for the sake of it paraphrase Huxley


No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that Yonis'ploy of beeing logical is to be equated to Ngonge's , still less the superior of Xiin's, and if that is to be true, simply incredible at that, If all Yonis'disabilities are removed,and fair field and no favors were given, he coulden't be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smother-minded rivals, in a contest to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites.

It then follows ,or so i beleive, that the highest realm in the hierarchy of knowledge will assuredly not be within the reach of our probably dusky cousin.


i'd rather see you force him jump from his dunghill, as he can neither hold his nose due to the stink and revel in it due to the pleasure.

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Sakhar, now come on. Sinning is certainly not avoidable, and cannot be contrary to fitrah. Up-bringing has nothing to do with it either. Adam was raised in Eden, attended by angels and personally instructed by Allah. Surely you can't say his up-bringing had any elements of "negative socialization" or "wrong surroundings". Yet he succumbed to the first temptation Satan presented to him. Likewise, consider Adam and Eve's children: their firstborn murdered his brother. There has not been a single case of a human being who has managed to avoid sinning in some way. If sinning were simply a matter of freewill, someone would have managed to make all the right choices at some point, just as a matter of probability.


As for whether Ngonge was wrong in stating that some religious prohibitions do not necessarily have eternal self-evident logic, consider the children of Adam and Eve again. Did they not have to commit incest by marrying their own brothers and sisters? Wasn't this a direct command from God in fact? How could something as self-evidently wrong and immoral as incest be commanded by God? If someone where to marry their sibling today, they would be committing a sin. If Adam's daughter refused to marry her brother back then, she'd be committing a sin. Thus Ngonge has a valid point about somethings having to be taken on faith.

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Ms DD   

Originally posted by Northerner:

I still blame Cambarro!

Blame the bloke with the long essays. This thread would have stopped at page 6, had it not been him, flexing his puny muscles on unsuspecting posters. Maxaanba ka qabi lahaa if those long dull essays were well crafted, reflective and intelligent.. can hope


Cue in ...

I can feel an assault coming on..

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Please iga guddooma one of Dhoodaan’s best spoofs;


Habar kun iyo boqol haysataa la oggolaadaaye

Sheekeeyooinkeedaana waa laga dhegeystaaye


Hadday tiraahdo anaa kaa yar waa laga dhegeystaaye

Gaarinimo kolkay sheegatee muranka dayn weydo

Waxaa lagu yiraahdaa bullooy shaah inoo kariye


Qaxwahay samaysaa hadduu muufo noqon waayo

Kolkaa been inay sheegtay baa lagu ogaadaaye :D !

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Allah did not create human beings because he wanted them to sin. Sinning or committing acts of sins is therefore not part of the human fitrah because Allah created all human beings in a state of natural purity as Allah already said in his noble and exalted book. All human beings, including you and me, swore and vowed in front of Allah that he is our only god, creator and lord when he assembled all of the children of Adam to bear witness to that reality. Therefore our fitrah or natural inclination allows us, to instinctively and naturally recognise our creator and thus differentiate between right and wrong. The only reason why some of us diverge from that instinctive and natural inclination and predisposition is because of our own nafs, the influence of the shaydaan and the negative circumstances that we’re surrounded by and without those influences and elements, we would be following our natural instincts and inclinations and thus worship our lord accordingly and abstain from the things that he prohibited from us and enjoy the things he permitted us.


Therefore I will repeat and tell you one more time Cara, that sinning is not part of the human fitrah and therefore not something inborn, innate, natural or part of the human fitrah as you would like to think. Our prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said, that every child is born in a state of natural purity and thus has the human fitrah instilled in him, which instinctively makes him recognise his creator and worship him accordingly and follow the natural predisposition Allah has intended for human beings, which means he would naturally abstain from all the things Allah has prohibited from his creation and which go against the natural inclination and predisposition Allah has instilled in all of his creation. Our prophet said that the reason to why some diverge or alienate from the fitrah is because of their surroundings and parents and I shall quote the hadith inshallah:


‘Every new-born child is born in a state of fitrah. Then his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magian, just as an animal is born intact. Do you observe any among them that are maimed (at birth)?’


‘The concept of fitrah as original goodness does not merely connote a passive receptivity to good and right action, but an active inclination and a natural innate predisposition to know Allâh, to submit to Him and to do right. This is man’s natural tendency in the absence of contrary factors. Although all children are born in a state of fitrah, the influence of the environment is decisive as can be seen from the hadith above. The parents may influence the religion of the child by making him a Christian, Jew or Magian. If there are no adverse influences, then the child will continuously manifest his fitrah as his true nature.’


The human fitrah is something innate and universally recognisable although some may alienate and diverge from that fitrah by committing acts of sins and disbelief in their creator but that fitrah cannot be changed nor contaminated. However the nafs, shaydaan and negative effects and circumstances can make someone go against that fitrah but that would only be harmful to the transgressor of that fitrah but nobody else. Submission to the human fitrah brings harmony, for it means realisation of what is inherent in one’s true nature and opposition to it brings discord, for it means realisation of what is extraneous to one’s true nature.’



Aisha Ummul mumineen Allah may pleased with her narrated on the authority of our Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him:


"Ten are the practices of fitrah: clipping the mustache, letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick (siwaak), snuffing water up the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubic hairs and cleaning one's private parts with water." The narrator said: 'I have forgotten the tenth, but it may have been rinsing the mouth.'


So the fitrah of Allah cannot be changed and I hope that you get to realise, that sinning or the act of committing sins is not part of the human fitrah and thus you erred and I would encourage you, to not confuse your ‘Christian or Atheist’ heritage and belief with the beliefs of my religion. (Cara is not a muslim, for those that don’t know).


The other thing you raised in order to come to rescue to Ngonge, I shall advice you that I have dealt with that issue already in my previous posts and you can find out what I said from my previous posts and your friend has no point whatsoever.


Xiin is the crowd pleaser as ever but I don’t mind if you go with the crowd on matters and issues of no importance to your religious beliefs, in order to please the crowd, but not at the expense of your religion Xiinfaniin.

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Inshallah I shall not, further continue with the discussion because I believe that I defended my lords and religions name from the wrong attributions and falsehood ascribed by the fallacious beliefs and blasphemous absurdities expressed in here in the best of my ability and very successful. I believe that I’ve stated the truth more than once and for me to actually continue, would only devalue the good work I’ve done. The facts are here and everyone can read them inshallah and the truth is now distinguishable from the falsehood. However I cannot make the blind see nor can I make them understand.


Everything I said is on record and freely accessible to all the people who want to read it. I shall ask Allah to be my witness inshallah, that I’ve conveyed the truth and refuted the falsehood. Oh Allah be my witness. I told them how it is and the truth.


I’d like to tell the brothers and sisters in here that they should not get their beliefs and knowledge from secondary sources but that they should actively seek knowledge from primary sources ( if you can’t find answers to particular questions, then ask the righetous culumaa’uddin of this religion) and study the religion, because it is a religions requirement to do so. It is really important to correct ones aqeedah and I hope you do that.


I would like to conclude with: ‘Everything good I said is from Allah and everything wrong I said cannot be attributed to Allah but it is from my own nafs and the influence of Al-Shaydaan. The truth is now distinguishable from the falsehood and I hope that you’re now able to make that distinction inshallah after you have read my arguments and proofs I provided in this thread. May Allah forgive you and me and guide us all to the right path. Ameen inshallah.

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P.SS. I’m happy now that the haters of Islam who try to undermine Islam at every opportunity and junction such as Cara and JB, who are not Muslims, have no sided and decided to join, aid and come out in support of the fallacious and absurd beliefs expressed here by some Muslims (Cara and JB have come out in support of the astray gone Ngonge, in order to extinguish the light of Allah, although to no avail and they have come out to support falsehood against righteousness because the devil appealed to them to come out in support of the fallacious, absurd and blasphemous beliefs and attributions ascribed to Allah in here. The bad attract the bad and goodness attracts goodness). Apart from Xiin ( who doesn’t agree with the fallacious beliefs some nomads expressed in here) and a few other misguided ones, who have their own agenda, no other respectable Muslim dared to engage themselves with the absurd and fallacious beliefs held here by some nomads and which has been utterly and totally defeated and destroyed by me, let alone did they come in support or aid of it. Al-hamdulillaah, praise be to Allah I say.


The other thing, the nomads whose question I have not answered have to know, that I answered their questions and I kindly remind them to check out the previous pages inshallah.


My duty has been done and I’m sure that I’ve refuted and destroyed all the fallacious beliefs held here by some Muslims and I’d kindly remind the gallery that everything I said is on record and for me to continue with the discussion would only devalue the good work I’ve done. I cannot make the blind see but I’ve fulfilled my duty and stated the truth. Now it is upon everyone to either reject the truth or to accept it in their heart and pray for forgiveness if they believed something contradictory to that in the first place. If one has been shown the truth and they decide to turn their shoulder on it, then it is not my business but between them and their creator. My task was only to refute the wrong believes held and then to correct and refute them but I cannot make the blind see or make them accept the truth in their heart, only Allah the exalted can do that. However I ask for forgiveness for them and I hope that they eventually will come to their senses and see the ultimate truth.


To the disbelievers (JB and Cara) who are denying and undermining their own human natural inclination and predisposition, I would like to say ‘fear Allah’ and consult your intellect and look around yourself and look deep in your heart and question yourself about the beauty Allah has given you and how ungrateful you’re to him. I urge you to go with your natural inclination and to add to your already existent natural ability to recognise your true god and creator to also add knowledge about the shariicah inshallah. Give up all your preconceptions, prejudice and biased you may have against Islam and study independently, the sources of the shariicah, by reading a authorised translation of the holy Quraan that is if you cannot understand Arabic and see it for yourself what it conveys inshallah. No intelligent person after reading the Quraan with no preconceptions and any biased will turn away from it nor will they be able to deny that fact that the Quran is the literal word of god and therefore they will not fail to affirm the kalimah and shahaada of Allah being their creator and lord that is if they have any intelligence and do not turn away from the truth arrogantly. Allah created the Alameen (all the worlds) and thus you should worship him for your own salvation inshallah. Allah guides to the right path whomever he wills and he also lets astray whomever he wills. May Allah forgive all our wrongdoings and accept our repentance inshallah as we clearly need him, but he does not certainly need us.


Wabillah towfiiq,

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