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Men's section.

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^^^ lol


I only argue with her because she asks for it, saaxib. I mean look at that aviator of hers, look at the way the microphone is pointed towards you! She expects you to answer back. :rolleyes:

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Viking, bro ur thinking about it too hard. The womens section is used by our male nomads on an equal basis, so it isn't a place for women alone.


And as many people pointed out, what would you guys talk about in a men's section? If it is a place to ponder ideas, to discuss the world issues and the latest development of the FA scandal...There are sections allocated for exactly those purposes...


Why do you want a men's section? Or is ir merely because there is a women's section and u deem that unfair?


lol Boolbaro


qori is mariska iska dhaaf

Reminds me of a tale that ayeeyo used to tell me about waraabe dadoow :D

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Ngonge, you r right, that is a good analysis, i didn't look it that way.



dawaco sheeko qori is maris in lagaaga shekeeyo ma rabtaa, laakin waaba hilmaamay aniga waxba kama haayo sheekooyinkaas

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Originally posted by Northerner:

The mens section is the sports section .

exactly what i was thinking dude

i mean what else are we gonna talk about in the men’s section

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Qac Qaac   

Ilmo Baro waxaan idinla socod siin, in uu cunug cusub u dhaladoona odoyga Mr. Baro... cunugaas oo loo bixin doono. QacBaro...


Qacbaro is coming soon to all the theatres after aug 13th, right after the openining celebration of the Olympics. at 7pm standard time. everone check your local theatre. Qac baro is coming soon.

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qac qaac sxbkisi innted jirtayna ayantaan, ugaarsiyaa waraa coming soon see camal soo deey hada nooh

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dawoco and the rest,

You are all falling for the stereotype; men should talk sports and politics while women should keep to relationships, love, romance and family issues. Why should men be directed to the sports (or politics) section and women to a 'women's' section? I am not for erasing the gender differences, but not every man is into sports and not every woman is a romantic, family oriented person.


If someone would like to raise some MALE issues... like let's say... 'problems Somali men are facing in the western world', where does the person post it? Under chit-chat general, women or sports?


I am not looking to revolutionise SOL but merely asking a genuine question. Why have a women's if and not a men's section? Is it only women who have issues (because that would be very jigoistic to say)?

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Hello Viking,


No it isnt only women who have issues. On the contrary, issues to do with Somali women are well researched, tackled and documented while little attention is paid to the almost acute problems facing Somali males (especially young men). Therefore, in this context, I would say a men's forum is presently needed more than a women's.


I don't think anyone would mind if such a forum was created either. I suspect the lack of such a section on SOL has more to do with space problems than anything else.


Any suggestions for a solution?


Maybe the 'Women's' forum could be renamed 'Social Problems' or 'Gender-specific Issues', thus eliminating any neglect male nomads may feel while at the same time saving server-space. Whatcha think?

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Let there be you,

Let there be me.

Let there be oysters

Under the sea.


Let there be wind,

An occassional rain.

Chile con carne,

Sparkling champagne --


Let there be birds

To sing in the trees,

Someone to bless me

Whenever I sneeze.


Let there be cuckoos,

A lark and a dove,

But first of all, please --

Let there be a men’s section


Let there be sheeko, mouran eyo dagaal

Let there be a place we call maqaaxi...


** Walks away singing to himself **

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Is jiid jidkaan maxa waaye?


We want Men section!!!!!!We don't care if you change the women section to a different name..Waxaa rabnaa luuq aan anaga gooni ahaan ku bashaalno.


Waraa Qac'qac ani shaleemo ma gali, feebaro aan ka qabaa. Anoo hada kahor shilooma eqwatore dhex fadhiya aa bomba na salaantay. Marka sidaas daraadeen ani hamaa misoo aan ka qabaa.


Qacbaro ina quraansho shukaansade, waan ku sugeynaa geed yahoo garkiisa aad u qabtid xaaqin dhamaad ah :D .


DA boolbaro is right, you would love to have men section so stop being silly and vote!!!!

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Let them have one. Far too many of them are in jail or suffering from mental illness or both. They have plenty to talk about. A more remote way of discussing their issues may alleviate someone's distress or confusion.


I'm all for talking without chewing. Although, darn it, there is no guarantee that the responses will not be qat-fuelled.

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Viking, i think you have a good case against the admin for sexism in its most unusual form, against men :rolleyes:


Bro, what ever issues you have or may wish to discuss, god knows, laakinse i sincerely apologise for my unfounded assumption that men only talk about sports.


Did i say sincerely? gotta change that to cordially*

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Aeryn Sun,

There's a lot of male issues to discuss but there isn't a place to do it. If the issue is i.e. qaad, it will be seen as whining when taken up in the women's section, don't you think? Imagine 'women issues' like hijab, pregnancy etc being discussed in a men's section or not having a section to discuss it. Isn't that a bit peculiar?


My suggestions? It would be better to rename the women's section something else if the problem is space.

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