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Deeq A.

PM Abiy pays his first visit to the Somali Region

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Deeq A.   

R/wasaaraha cusub ee dhowaan loo dhaariyay dalka Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed ayaa booqashadiisii ugu horreysay kusoo gaaray maanta magaalada Jigjiga ee xarunta dowlad-deegaanka soomaalida Itoobiya.

Mr. Abiy Ahmed ayaa waxaa magaalada Jigjiga kusoo dhoweeyay madaxweynaha dowlad-deegaanka soomaaliga Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Omar iyo xubno ka tirsan maamulkiisa.


R/wasaaraha ayaa waxaa loo dhaadhiciyay hool ay ka socoto xaflad soo dhoweyn ah oo isaga iyo wafdigiisa loo sameynayay kaas oo isla magaalada Jigjiga ah.

Booqashada r/wasaare Abiy ayaanan aheyn mid iska timid, waxaana uu uga go-leeyahay sidii uu isugu soo dhoweyn lahaa qowmiyadaha soomaalida iyo Oromada oo muddooyinkan dambe xurguf aad u daran oo ay ku dhinteen boqollaal dad ah ka dhaxeysay.

R/wasaaraha cusub ayaa qudhiisa kasoo jeeda qowmiyadda Oromada, waxaana xilka r/wasaarenimo ee dalkaasi loo dhaariyay maalmo ka hor kadib markii uu is casilay r/wasaarihii isaga ka horreeyay ee Hailemariam Desalegn.

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The Somali people in Ethiopia deserve respect. And in a small way this is an indication of greater things to come. The dead cannot be brought back, but can be made memorable to better the future of the living.

Bravo Illey for keeping the Somali orgaized, proud and dignified.



Jigjiga is the place to be and be seen for any Somali leader. Mr. Bixi better put it on his schedule.



Illey is the leader of the most Somali


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OO, good to see you back online after the mini-heart attack you had with Abiy selection.

In anycase, what is the official propaganda you wish to share with us regarding Abiy’s attempts to mollify the concerns of Mr. Illey?

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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1 hour ago, Tillamook said:

OO, good to see you back online after the mini-heart attack you had with Abiy selection.

Thank you. And Thank you for the emergency heart repair. lol

1 hour ago, Tillamook said:

regarding Abiy’s attempts to mollify the concerns of Mr. Illey?

At least Illey is sonmebody whose concerns need addressed. He is a somebody. And the Ethio-Somalis are a somebody. He is a leader love him or hate him, of the greatest number of Somalis of any country enclave or territory. Mogadishu does not have control of 12 million not even 5 million, so Illey has the most and it shows.

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17 minutes ago, Tillamook said:


So did Abiy succeed?

Yes he succeeded simply visiting Jijiga. I am not sure if you noticed, but I had argued repeatedly that Abiy or any Oromos first talk will be with Somali. All Ethiopians are and were very much concerned that the Somali region need to be considered, its interests, its place in Ethiopia..etc.

Next step should be the federal government sharing in the work of settling nomads into agricultural field and supporting the program, making it the number one issue with development donors..etc.

Establish an industrial zone, free trade zone, dry port...all in the Somali region.

Its a good start just visiting itself and the work comes next.

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OO says, “Next step should be the federal government sharing in the work of settling nomads into agricultural field and supporting the program, making it the number one issue with development donors..etc.”

What a silly notion? Somalis are nomads and not in a million years will the Tigray succeed in changing that!

Your conniving game plan of settling Somali nomads so as to steal the natural resources of the wide expanses of their grazing lands will never succeed.


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5 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

What a silly notion? Somalis are nomads and not in a million years will the Tigray succeed in changing that!

There will always be nomads, but if you think having 6 million nomads as a badge of honour, you are wrong. I do not think you have any clue how devastating a draught is on a nomad. Once the herd is gone has nothing to fall back on. There are close to a million people in the kilil at risk right now. You are devaluing them by making them wait for western aid everytime. You cannot afford mobile schools which means next generation of nomads without much to show for and next recruits for whatever schemes you or someone else has. Human and animal health costs of mobile population scattered is something else.

I love the independent minded, courageous nomad as next person, but at this day and age and with exploding population is not sustainable. The conflicts over grass and water will only increase.

5 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

Your conniving game plan of settling Somali nomads so as to steal the natural resources of the wide expanses of their grazing lands will never succeed.

It shows me how much respect and confidence or total lack of it you have for the Somali in Ethiopia. I don't think you have good information at the consciousness, organization, development and the will for further development the Ethio Somali has. I am afraid you are measuring all Somalis by Mogadishu yard stick.


Let me give you the benefit of doubt that you care for the future of the Somali.

Would you rather fight for the dwindling grazing lands or fight for your income from your natural resources? Which one do you think is more important? Which one would you give more priority?

FYI Since Mengistu days all land is state owned in Ethiopia. There is no private lands. Even now there is a lot of conflicts for grazing lands among nomads.

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the conflicts and everything else that you mentioned are part and parcel of the nomadic lifestyle...something you will never understand, is that it is precisely because of this very same nomadism that we’re knocking up against the gates of the Xabasha highlands... we’re coming so make room hombre...we shall not be contained by mobile schools nor some other such silly notions as you are peddling in here.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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This is just circular argument and empty threats which have the least possibility and pointless results. No Somali is interested in a nomadic way of life exporting. The Somali people will export educated work force, produce of industry and agriculture, like all other competing societies.

The Somali will keep peace where societies have lack of it, will help and support societies that have lack of food and other necessities and develop himself constantly.


As much as you and I can admire and appreciate the independence and confidence of the Nomad, the negative side to it is that the same nomad is also independent from his own brother and less cooperating, less law abiding.



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