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Cabasho: Xinnfaniin oo diiday inuu PM iga qabto

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As part of my plans to go to North America and hence visit friends there (mainly in Minnessotta) sometime this year, I have been trying to link up with Xinn for sometime. But apparently after learning that I will be coming, the old man has all of a sudden shut his doors and it is impossible to send a PM. I haven't received one as well. I just want to remind him, he is one of the people who I look forward to meeting and that I have found a relative who is willing to give me a small room during my visit. I also don't eat much. So, I will like to ask my friend only for the company and to get some of his wisdom. I didn't know inuu martida neceb yahay when I first broke the news to him.


I will like to make a contact with him via this open letter and I hope Xinn will contact me soon.


I apologise beforehand if I have made any exposures that weren't suppossed to come here, but I really had no alternative.


looking for Xinn's speedy reply on the matter,

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Yo, i believe the old chap is on the d/l. May be ma aduunyo baa marka, qaaraan an ku aruurino so u can stay in not so expensive hotel but a rather meel oo fiican.


U ppl in african sometimes dont understand why some one in the west goes silent! i tellya that happend to me so many times. Sometimes shyte gets so hard around this part of the world. One has no choice but to go on the d/l. u feel dont pressure the haji.


lets know watsup zulo cowboy. holla.

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^^^I take it as inaad OFFICIALLY aniga iga xiiso dhacday oo aad u wareegtay dhankaa iyo North America iyo xagga Xiin...! :D



Maybe Xiin is not Somali after all (Like me) he is a mexican pretending to be Somali after learning the language through his dealing with Somalis whom he helps cross over the Mexican boarder to U.S... :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob, did I tell you I hosted the good old man Qooqaani here in Zim a week ago and I have your physical discription. The way he discribed you i will be looking for someone who looks like ANELKA!


Waryaa meeshaa soodiga iskaga tagay ee Angola koob shaah ah 15 USD ku caba! warkaaga waan hayaa.

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LoooL@anelka.. maxa bartilmaamed aan jirin lagugu afuufay adeer BOB waxu so yara shabahaa the late Cameroonian player FOE smile.gif

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My people will disown me if they heard I pay $15 for a meal never mind koob shaah ah even when they know how much I love my shaah.



I told you inuu odaygu gem yahay...just few months ago with the help of almighty Allah s.w he prevented a bloodshed...I trust you've heard about it by now...but if not check your inbox.



War ninyahow kheyr baan kuu rajeynayaa oo waa inoo mar kale Insha Allah dumaashideey/ina adeertay iyo caruurta aan marna adeerka u ahay marna abtiga u ahayna igu Salaan Insha Allah. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

LoooL@anelka.. maxa bartilmaamed aan jirin lagugu afuufay adeer BOB waxu so yara shabahaa the late Cameroonian player FOE

:D:D:D:D mean Ndiefi? Foe was more HAANSAM than me:D



PS. Anelka kuye..Allah ninkan muxuu wax hoosta iiga qariyey...galtidaan waa iga war bananyihiino they take advantage of me...shame.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Malika:

^So your smoking good looking huh?..LOL

I have seen girls faint in my presence before and that was because of my lack of good looks...ask ahem ahem...she almost had a seizure... :D



AT&T...the floor/topic is yours...I am out.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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London is home to Ngonge. Why not? laakin I am stingy. I don't like inaan hotel dago. Yaa i qaabilaya. You are not in London, adigu. :D:D

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runtii, I have decied I should see some SOLers this year. Ten people. Of course 9 will be girls. Laakin I want to come and see you in Hargeisa, becuase I like that place. Meeshaa kolkaan tago KING anigoo is moodayaan ka baxaa! I get treated very well!


Horta Restaurant Xaraf iyo Star wali ma shaqeeyaan. Xaraf was really good.

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