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What is good hair - Tyra

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I used to be under the impression that all (or at least most) Somalis had good hair...By good, I mean timo jileec...Boy-o-boy was I ever wrong!!! They get it relaxed, texturized, permed (yes PERMED), just like any other African women...Waxa kaliya ey uga duwan yihiin waa timaha Soomaalida side madowga kale uma adka, walax dhinax ah bey dhaamaan, marka lagama fahmo as much...


Let me not get started on timaha nimanka Soomaalida, specially kuwa iyagoo timahooda adagyihiin bidaarta soo galoyso... :D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

I used to be under the impression that all (or at least most) Somalis had good hair...By good, I mean timo
...Boy-o-boy was I ever wrong!!! They get it relaxed, texturized, permed (yes PERMED), just like any other African women...

Thank you very much for sharing that very classified info! I always thought that good hair is a gift to any Somali girl. Now I will make sure I check out Somali girls' hair before I commit myself to one LOL.


Midda kale, girls ha dhageysanina ibtisaam xanjadeeda bey waa hore meel ku dhajisatay, I don't see the problem of saying what kind of hair you get.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Let me not get started on timaha nimanka Soomaalida, specially kuwa iyagoo timahooda adagyihiin bidaarta soo galoyso...

:D Bidaarta amaan ha la siiyo fadlan lol.

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@white girl flow. :eek:


Some of those mothers lack imagination. What's wrong with cane rows, braids, twists and good ol afro- their kids would still look cute.


I don't think hair texture is the issue here, it's the rubbish that's in peoples heads. Soft doesn't necessarily mean good / healthy, especially when you have to put chemicals on your head and take your hair out of their natural state. How long can one keep that up for? The hair will eventually rebel and / walk out.

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Zack, I am not a salon person saa timo aan salon la'aado maba qabee (yacnii jileec iyo curly waaye nooh :D ), laakiin the very few times I go, timo meesha lala yimaado candhuufteyda uun baan gadaal uliqaa oo aan is dhahaa 'Soomaalina timahaan maqabaan?'....


Paragon, ma'adaa bidaar leh, hadeyse kusoo galoyso ma'adaa timo adag? :D

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