Che -Guevara

Gaas's Silence

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As the rhetoric about Berbera heats up, there's a noticeable silence from Gas and Co, a group with vested interest in the Emirates' economic expansion into Somalia considering the agreement between P&O Ports and Puntland?  What gives? Was Gas promised something else?

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Puntland has a lot of other issues to worry about other than the Somaliland UAE. Actually among the issues Puntland has this would be the last place.

There are Economic issues

There are Developmental issues

There always is Terrorism issues

There is basically Direction issues (Puntland has not moved in one determined direction for some time now)

The cousin issue is too exagerated. It does not have the weight its made up to be.

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The cousin issue is too exaggerated. It does not have the weight its made up to be.

I agree. Abdiweli and Farmaajo have nothing to do with each other other than being former neighbors in Buffulo, New York. From what I gather, they don't even get along very well. 

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50 minutes ago, Holac said:

I agree. Abdiweli and Farmaajo have nothing to do with each other other than being former neighbors in Buffulo, New York. From what I gather, they don't even get along very well. 

IMHO the Somalilanders are going for two birds with one stone, but the stone in this case is too heavy to throw. It might even fall on the thrower and damage the foot.

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There are Economic issues

There are Developmental issues

There always is Terrorism issues

There is basically Direction issues (Puntland has not moved in one determined direction for some time now)

+ Mudug region peace

The two-man need each other to work all of these issues. Regional states already got a  good deal with the federal government for the fishing licensing. Putland with a long cost can benefit this deal emeadtily. They can now give legal fishing license as far 25 nucules miles. In addition, Chinese investors can invest putland infrastructure with federal government approval. In addition, local puntland people support any national project.

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4 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

Hence, he is hoping that he will not be call to "clarify" what is Puntland position is in here. Or whether he wish to put his money where his mouth his by actually taking the P&O deal and putting it before the federal parliament, which is the argument of the Villa Somalia. Since they are sating any port concession given to any body must be approved by their federal government.

That is probably why the focus has shifted to Military base more than port issue.

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7 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

After all, it's the case that the Mr Cheeseman, actually paid a court to Mr Gaas recently into his region. And by all indication they have "patched" their differences along the line of Mr Cheeseman actually promising Mr Gaas that any federal fund that comes to Mogadishu will be divided up so that, Puntland will get its lion share of it. And this was not the case when Hassan Culusow was in Villa Somalia before Mr Cheeseman.

Its a bit exaggerated. Remember its in the interest of the federal government to have strong, developed Puntland. Puntland is where the federal government can rely on and lean when Mogadishu gets dissy.

Farmaajo understands this fact, the place of Puntland in the struggle to standing Somalia on its own two feet.

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53 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

I am not sure you really understand the politics of Somalia that well. I fear. You see if ever the day in which a federal government of Somalia based in Mogadishu is "perceived" (rightly or wrongly) to be "leaning" on Puntland, comes to pass, then, that government's days of existence is about to come to an end.

And this precisely why Col. Yet's federal government couldn't last more than few years in Mogadishu since it was so leaning (in fact was so dependent) on the Puntland's political support. And if you don't know this "deeper political truth" about Somalia's endless "Zero-Sum-political-competition", then, I fear you not that well glued up in the internal clannish dynamics of the Somali peninsula, as you have imagined yourself to be.

Hence, it's actually Mr Cheeseman's longer term political interests not to show any kind of a deep "biased" in favor of Puntland in the current reality of power's tussle within the Federal power structure.

And if he is "perceived" (again, rightly or wrongly) of favoring the folks of Puntland for any federal support, then, as days follows night, his days of "living" in Villa Somalia will come to an abrupt end lot sooner than the 2021 election time. This is the "unspoken rule" of the politics of Somalia.

Find out why that is the case. And you will know as to why he will be extremely foolish to play a "political footsie" with the likes of Mr Gaas. And in particularly if all other federal cantons within Somalia are not getting a "similar treatment" from him as the kind Mr Gaas's Puntland fiefdom may be getting from him. 


I absolutely understand that. I clearly remember that when Yey was to go to Mogadishu Puntland and Ethiopian soldiers were not to enter Mogadishu. It can get that extreme. The most repeated propaganda was also that Puntland soldiers coming back for retribution/vengence of 1991.

Its just you have not looked the other side.

The place of Puntland in Somalia right now should be the highest. Puntland is to Somaliland same as Afar-Tigray were to Eritrea. Ethiopian governments not only ignored but also worked against the Ethiopian Afar-Agew-Tigray. When these three said stop this war no need to fight to grave, let them go, it was all over in an Addis Ababa minute.

It was the dumbest thing Ethiopia did, wanting to keep Eritrea but steping on, ignoring, even killing the peoples nearest to Eritrea.



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It's  also uniquely interesting is that other regions have also stayed quiet.  These are the same regions that were jumping up and down to undermine the federal government when other Gulf states turned on Qatar.

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15 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

It's  also uniquely interesting is that other regions have also stayed quiet.  These are the same regions that were jumping up and down to undermine the federal government when other Gulf states turned on Qatar.


Why not keep quiet. Nothing of this excercise is going to affect them materially or their power. Why stick your head for no new gain at all, but a lot to loose. Some of them are also so preoccupied with their own issues, this is very low priority or importnace for them.

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