Deeq A.

Pictures: DP World ignores Mogadishu politicians' talk and moves ahead with the Berbera project

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Deeq A.   

Madaxa Shirkada DP World ee Soomaaliland ayaa Maanta waxa uu kormeer ku tagay halka laga dhisayo Bakhaarada ay Itoobiya ku keydsaneyso Shixnadaha uga soo dega Dekada Bebera. Kormeerka ayaa waxaa ku wehlinayey maareeyaha Dekada Magaalada Berbera,waxana Bakhaaradaas laga dhisayaa ama ay ku yaallaan magaalada Wajaale ee Xuduudka Ethiopia iyo Somaliland. Ethiopia ayaa dhawaan saami dhan 19% ku yeelatay maalgashiga Dekedda magaalada Berbera,iyada oo heshiiskii Saddezxx geesoodka ahaa ee dhex maray Soomaaliland, Itoobiya iyo Shirkada DP World uu xiisad ka dhex dhaliyey Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Soomaaliland.



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I think DP World is deliberately trying to push these photo-ops to show it is not listening and is busy implementing the agreement in defiance of Mogadishu. 

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13 minutes ago, Holac said:

I think DP World is deliberately trying to push these photo-ops to show it is not listening and is busy implementing the agreement in defiance of Mogadishu. 

There will be many more of these coming soon. Whether you call it photo-ops or work-in-progress - this is not stopping for anyone least of all the Villa AMISom. 

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Suldaanka, that may be so, but don't be surprised if the Somali government still has few tools at its disposal to pressure DP World to get the signature it requires from Mogadishu. In the end, DP World will just do that. 

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18 minutes ago, Holac said:

Suldaanka, that may be so, but don't be surprised if the Somali government still has few tools at its disposal to pressure DP World to get the signature it requires from Mogadishu. In the end, DP World will just do that. 

The only tool left is for them to go to International Court. In that event, it will be golden opportunity to dismantle Mogadishu's legal claims over Hargeisa. 

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