
Somalia: Govt Summons UAE Ambassador Over DP World Concession for Berbera Port

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The minister of state for foreign affairs and international cooperation, Abdelkader Ahmed-Khair Abdi in his office at the ministry of foreign affairs today, received his Excellency Mohamed Ahmed Osman Alhammadi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates

During the meeting, a number of issues took place, including the illegal agreement between the administration of Somaliland and the Dubai global ports company on the Somali port of Berbera and the legal issues that might result in violations of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.


The Secretary of state for foreign affairs and international cooperation said that the federal government of Somalia is distributing quotas and development programmes in all Somali territories without exception, and will not compromise its sovereignty and national ownership, and will not agree to any agreement that will be reached without it.

For his part, the UAE Ambassador to Somalia stressed that his country was fully committed to protecting, respecting and supporting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Somalia, stating that there was a need for continued coordination and consultation to broaden and deepen cooperation between the two countries, thereby ensuring Somali Somali

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Not sure if this is not putting the cart before the horse, otherwise this should have been first step.

Formally call Ethiopian and UAE ambassadors to explain and take message to their governments.

Then based on their responses pass resolution in parliament and send it to both governments, Somaliland, all international and regional bodies and move on as fast as posssible.


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  On 3/27/2018 at 11:44 PM, Old_Observer said:


Not sure if this is not putting the cart before the horse, otherwise this should have been first step.

Formally call Ethiopian and UAE ambassadors to explain and take message to their governments.

Then based on their responses pass resolution in parliament and send it to both governments, Somaliland, all international and regional bodies and move on as fast as posssible.


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Yeah, You have been saying that , it is true, this should have been the first step, THE UAE is very wealthy arrogant bastards, they don't  follow normal procedures. Ethiopia is different, and can fully understand the implication of this issue, UAE leaders are rich spoiled kids from young age, and have no clue.

And looks this  UAE Ambassador gets now, their mistake. From other info I gather, there are changes happening,specially with DP world.

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  On 3/27/2018 at 11:49 PM, maakhiri1 said:


Yeah, You have been saying that , it is true, this should have been the first step, THE UAE is very wealthy arrogant bastards, they don't  follow normal procedures. Ethiopia is different, and can fully understand the implication of this issue, UAE leaders are rich spoiled kids from young age, and have no clue.

And looks this  UAE Ambassador gets now, their mistake. From other info I gather, there are changes happening,specially with DP world.

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As you may have realized, I was not against Somalia doing what is in her best interest and dignity including against Ethiopia if need be.

What concerns me always is spending too much time and energy on this. Since there are a lot of Somalis from the republic knee deep with UAE, every time an SFG minister or official speaks about this issue, he/she is also deepening the split in SFG or parliament or regions.

That is very risky to do and requires focused and limited time and effort.


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  On 3/27/2018 at 11:56 PM, Old_Observer said:

As you may have realized, I was not against Somalia doing what is in her best interest and dignity including against Ethiopia if need be.

What concerns me always is spending too much time and energy on this. Since there are a lot of Somalis from the republic knee deep with UAE, every time an SFG minister or official speaks about this issue, he/she is also deepening the split in SFG or parliament or regions.

That is very risky to do and requires focused and limited time and effort.


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Agree, as there are also things that are crystal clear,  incontestable; defending the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of  country.

We all welcome developments , regional states getting badly needed development, with blessing of central gov. We welcome Ethiopia using SOMALI ports, and we doing business with them. It has to be done right!

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