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Somalis in the UK are in the hot seat again

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qaraar baa ihaya nooh. i would have let him if folks like him would stop rubbing it

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loooool sawirka odeyga ayaaba iga qosliya waxkalaba warkisa daa..


anyhow, he chose to comment right. He could have just ignored them if he wanted to.


And, yeah its about time somalis whereever they live in whether it is the uk or other places in abroad to stand on their own feet. And, stop abusing the system....




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Somalis are easy targets since our elite from the community is not passionate enough to counter these type of stories through the media, and i don't blame them, even when it comes to small things you will have difficulty rallying Somalis behind you, unless it has something to do with some issue in the middle east, qabiilism or a cartoonist, oh then they are passionate alright fighting for theee rights and all, yawn.


The council clearly has a heavy role in placing these individuals at such houses, and most likely someone inside alerted this paper of that Dameer's lifestyle.


Sick of it.

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adam, it is hard to defend such acts. i mean how do you defend an able man, produced 7 kids on tax payers and enjoying luxaries?


you cant, when one works hard to afford the basics bey iyaguna hortaada la marayaan xaaraan gotten things and saying maxad isku daalineysaa bla bla bla

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^Haduusan shaqaynin ma iyadaa Xaaraan ah?, waxaad dhihi doontaa shaqo ha raadsado, lakin nin London kirishbooy ku noqday waa hardworker, ee basaskii ha la soo celiyo!.

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i think this man is setting bad example for his kids (all 7 of them) that it is ok to lazy around.


gaalada hala siro diinta ma dhigin yaa sheikh, i refuse to believe london baa shaqo laga waayay that is if you want to grab anything specially bus drivers shaqo ah waa buux

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Unemployment figures-ka sidaas ma sheegin, haddii Ilaahey shaqo ku siiyey, masaakiinta ha ku diganin!, Nin walaalkey ah baa sidaa dhihi jiray, Alle wuxuu qaddaray wax sanad ka badan in lagu ibtileeyo Interview & Sorry is daba taal!.

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maaddeey comeon, i wont do iska hadal macna la aan ah, qofki raba any shaqo wuu heli


those that struggle waa dadka raadinaya professional white color shaqo?


ps: qori soo taagan maxa ka dhigey, you can easily offer odaygan isceebeeyay a job in one of your dukaamo no?

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:D odaygan particularly kama hadlayo, waxaadse ku saxantahay in Soomaalidu aysan ceeb u aqoonin ceyrta, markaan arko islaan ayeeydeey la eg oo shaqeyneysa, ama mid sagaal bilood ah baan yaabaa.


Noo organize-garee an event, in sharaftu ku jirto inuu qofku ka maarmo government handouts & dhibka ay u keeni karto family ties.

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

Not really a big deal.


What angers me is the way he answers the door. If he wanted to move to a 'nicer' area he shouldn't act like he is still in the ghetto.

How come I missed this. :D



Norf...I asked myself the same question. ninku ma isagoo qaawan buu marida utimaada alaabka ka furaa? you can tell xalay oo dhan buu qayilaad iyo qashin kale ku mashquulsanaa. Magacaaba iigu daran...Nuur kulahaa. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by *BOB:

quote:Originally posted by Norfsky:

Not really a big deal.


What angers me is the way he answers the door. If he wanted to move to a 'nicer' area he shouldn't act like he is still in the ghetto.

you can tell xalay oo dhan buu qayilaad iyo qashin kale ku mashquulsanaa. Magacaaba iigu daran...Nuur kulahaa.

Exactly what I thought :D


Habeen ka hor buu qarxiyey :D

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