
We created Jubaland to secure Kenya’s borders, DPP nominee tells MPs

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

I can assure the Kenyans will be expelled as soon as we put our house in order

That is the key to everything.

But to get to that key, you are being destructs with so many not so important issues. In the mean time the key is rusting in the desert heat and salt waters of Mugadishu.


You gave up so fast on the Oromo and now moving to Sidama or Gurage.

Your friends in the Oromo are misleading you again. The Gurage are quinessentially Xabeshi (Amhara side), so much so that they consider the Silte and Hareri as enemy. The hate by Gurage on the Silte was so much that the Silte went for their own province separate from Gurage and succeeded.

Are you half Oromo?

I have never seen or met a Somali, no matter how much "hate" he has for some governments countries or regions would deny fellow Somalis interest in favour of Oromo.

In case you do not know, but I am sure you will never admit, ONLF was more and is still more of a fighter against Oromo's negative effects on the Somali. ONLF actually and always accuses the kilil government of being soft on Oromo.



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Mr Madoobe marki eey barako maleh sheekadu gaarto dhulkii uukayimid ee uukudhashay ee Ethiopia ayuu u cariridoonaa.  Xaalufinta dhirta laguhaayo ee sadaxgeesoodka looqeeybsaday[shabab/Madoobe/his Kenyan masters] will be a disaster to the locals for a long time.  The sooner this criminal and his Kenyan handlers leave the better.  

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