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How does one become healthy?

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It is not a coincidence that an area in the hood is more likely to have dozens of chicken shops located in a couple of roads. This is one one of the most hidden forms of stagnation warfare against working class people. The natural reaction to this is for a person to eat and live more healthy. However, careful analysis and speaking to the people of deep wisdom on the old kent road, clearly shows that gyms,excercise machines, organic foods and supposedly healthy food are all money making gimmicks, which simply want to jack your money and make you become an addict to their products. In light of these worrying developments, the question is this:



how does one live more healthy without being caught up in the global freemason and greekosatanic process defined above? How does one become healthy according to our traditional jamaican, inca, afro-arabian, somaloid, cushitic and natural peasant economics? I would be happy if anyone with a deep conciousness can shed light on this.



Aswrb. Dowlada Islamiga of Bladland. Health department.

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