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Originally posted by Lt-Qalbi-Adeyg:

So you're a bible thumpin somali? that's a new one :confused:

No, I'm a Romanian lol


Sabriya, I didn't mean to get defensive like that. It's just that the general gist of your post about the Qur'An and the Bible made it seem like you have contempt for people who aren't Muslims. Maybe it was just an impression.


Btw, I have both a Bible and a Qur'An and I take care of both with the same attention, none is on a lower shelf than the other. To me they are vol.1 and vol.2 of the same story.

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A great book by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (Rahimahullah) Highly recommended!






May Allah guide us all to the right path smile.gif

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Bible made it seem like you have contempt for people who aren't Muslims

I simply said the bible that exist nowadays is not the word of God and theres several versions out there. That doesn't mean I dislike those who practice it....its merely facts. If you dnt believe me go get several bibles and am sure you would see how so many verses have been taken out.


The Bible and the Quran are not both the same. The Quran is the word of God..whether you choose to believe it? really that's up to you.We are all born muslims, its matter of you reverting and thats done mainly by choice, no one will force upon you. Use your mind and just read through both books and see for yourself.



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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

in my oppinion religion is a private thing. no one should be asking you about it, and u shouldn't be telling people about it. its between you and allah.

what do you mean "you shouldn't be telling people about it"?


if nabi Mohammad(s.a.w.) along with all previous prophets kept the word of God to themselves and didn't "tell" people about it, what knowledge would we have of path to salvation?


indeed, faith is between God and the individual, in the sense of "judging" but i don't necessarily agree that faith should be "don't ask, don't tell" as you're suggesting. if one is not informed of the word of Allah, what is there to be between him and God in the first place.


dacwa is a big part of our faith.

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Thank you very much for the video Sabriya, I often watch videos like that on youtube.


What I don't understand however is your need to "enlighten" me. You honestly think I'm gonna change my mind by watching a video? You underestimate what my religion means to me, and how personal it is.


The world would be in better shape if people stopped trying to convince others that their religion is better.


I'm Shabeel and I'm a calm person, so I just find it VERY annoying. But in other places, people die over things like that.


That being said, I appreciate you being concerned with me and I appreciate you sharing knowledge about the Qur'An and Islam. I would also like to apologize in advance if you found my comment rude.

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