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Somaliland – A Beautiful Non-Country

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Oh look! Someone went to Somaliland and actually managed to take photos of PEOPLE!


You're the last person I would have expected to start this thread. :D


Watch and learn.

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I'm quite positive I saw some of the creatures in the cave paintings in Robert Rauschenberg's MoMA collection.


On a more serious note, the photos were quite cool.

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Lool @Ngonge, We did take pictures of people, we just don't post them on public forums, although I took pictures of strangers who insisted and said it was good luck and they might come to the UK as results and I should circulate their pictures.


North did not also tell you, “when you die, you have to breath a soul into these things you are taking pictures of and bring it to life” they even tell you off for taking pictures of the plants and animals.


Lovely pictures. :cool:

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^^You could have just said we didnt take pics of people because we ARE the people. Only outsiders take pics of people :D

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I think you're just making excuses. Do you really expect us to believe Sheikh told you it's ok to take photos back of heads not the faces? C'mon! :D I don't think taking pictures of some geezers' back of the head was your biggest sin you committed on your adventures either. ;)


More beautiful scenery ...


Allaybaday (and its surrounds) is a place I find very appealing. Is it the name? Greenery?


Allaybaday and "allaybaday dam"


farms and schools and more

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I don't think taking pictures of some geezers' back of the head was your biggest sin you committed on your adventures either.

I did not see any green bushes, it was all dry, arid land saxib. :D

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This is one of the farms around Baardheere that was previously privately owned and unused. An Somali NGO named Hirda bought it and managed to turn it into something of a miracle, supplying local as well as national needs.




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Quruxbadana Baardheere. Waan jeclaan lahaa in aan iska dhex seexdo oo aan daruuraha Gedo dul mara iska daawado with my xaajiyo on my side. :D

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