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Human Traficking in Puntland: Banking on Suffering!

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Recently, international Medias have focused more on the quagmire of Human Traficking in Puntland, a heaven for a most perverse type of "shareholding".


Following the incessant tregedies of thousands Somalis as well as Ethiopians risking a particularly gruesome death by boarding small boats from Puntland Coast towards Yemen (as an entry point for the Gulf or the West), some journalists have investigated wether Puntland's highest authorities had vested interests in this obscene deal.


Indeed, the recent TPLF genocidal crackdown on the Oga-den alongside recurrent atrocities against other nationalities, alongside the atrocities of its not less brutal occupation in Somalia, have been accompanied by a surge in desperate migrants, all too willing to face forced drowning on the shark-infested Red Sea (more often than not, after being beaten and molested by the crew, before being thrown out).


Sensing the new "business opportunity", well-connected Mafias freely operating inside Puntland are feeding the world with even more horror stories.


Obviously, one could expect entire populations to flee the Ethiopian dictatorial regime killing sprees, routine torture and mass-punishment as well as rampant rape against entire villages, burned down into ashes (females bodies hanging on trees are becoming a common sight in Oga-denia, as soldiers strangle their gang-raped victims, which often includes even teens).


Yet, we should not less expect Puntland authorities to welcome these forsaken victims by providing them with basic safety at the very least, according to humanitarian norms, instead of adding more to their nightmare by turning a blind eye to widespread acts of raping and violence against defenseless Women and children in their most vulnerable hour.


Here is yet another account of such cynical profiteering in which, courageously, Puntland Elders denounce the unholy, so-called anti-"terror" Americano-Ethiopian alliance as bringing further misery to the entire Horn of Africa, now needlessly dethroning Darfur as the epicenter of deliberately triggered Human suffering according to the UN agencies and international NGOs : (particularly noteworthy in this reportage in several parts by a French team is the acknowledged CIA presence around Bossaso, whose authorities are also allied with Addis-Abeba).




PS: For further independent accounts of extra-judicial killings and routinized torture by the Ethiopian military, one may start with the Amnesty International Report 2007 - Ethiopia summary, albeit rather "diplomatic" ...

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Decidedly, Puntland seems embarrassingly in the limelight while some Somalis affiliated to that corner are all too busy justifying the unjustifiable on the basis of the USC 90's atrocities, even though its main architects are part of the warlord-TFG, not least through Gedi, himself an assistant of the infamously notorious mass-butcherer Ali Mahdi, while the thousands dying daily now in Muqdisho were not even born in 91 (not mentioning the so-called "National Reconciliation" chairman alleged involvement in burying toxic nuclear waste, shipped by the Sicilian Mafia, in Somalia shores).


Why is it so hard to focus instead on the CURRENT TRAGEDY unfolding all the way to Bossaso before our very eyes as well as international cameras, where rescaped women and children are raped before and after desperately facing probable drowning shark-infested seas as the Pope, himself virulently anti-secularism, felt obliged to intervene:


Hopefully, this will encourage the Catholic segment of the increasingly vocal Somali Christians, at the very least, to temper their blind support for Ethiopia and its warlords.



yet another thrilling RFI reportage: "We are receiving many testimonies of Women being raped before embarking.We are retrieving many seriously injured Women"...



Clearly, the issue is no longer between revenge-seeking clans or christians VS Muslims "extremists" but humanity against unprecedented cruelty in the name of "secular war against terror" (fought, naturally, by the most unholy, undemocratic, cruel despots and their local tribal mercenaries).



PS: I am not tribally connected to any party, wether it be the TFG or the Resistance, just for the record...

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Aaah! Kipling does it best.....


Have You News of my Boy Jack?


"Have you news of my boy Jack?"

Not this tide.

"When d'you think that he'll come back?"

Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.

"Has any one else had word of him?"

Not this tide.

For what is sunk will hardly swim,

Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.


"Oh, dear, what comfort can I find?"

None this tide,

Nor any tide,

Except he did not shame his kind -

Not even with that wind blowing, and that tide.


Then hold your head up all the more,

This tide,

And every tide;

Because he was the son you bore,

And gave to that wind blowing and that tide.

Or better still...


If any ask us why we died

Tell them 'Because our fathers lied'.

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