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West African Leaders: Pls put us second on the List

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Crying for Help: We next on the List!


Congratulations to Liberian people, finally, the dictator, Charles Taylor, is out smile.gif . However, success is never guaranteed. Nigerian peace keepers received warm welcome from the public, as UN Blue Hamlets troops once did in Somalia. The odds are optimistic about long lasting peace in Liberia. Let us wish them the best.


Let us all pledge to West African leaders. Hey i say, here we are, and we sure have all the symptoms. Selfish warlords, killing of innocent people everyday, internally displaced people, refugees, diseases, malnutrition, and much more. We (Somalis) have been in civil war at same years as they (Liberians) were.


Only problem with us, we have plenty of Charles Taylor and rebel groups. Give it another shot. The UN had learned a lesson from their past failure in Somalia; therefore, corrected some mistakes. Bosnia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Seri Leon, and Liberia now got help, but why not us. Is it we Muslims? Is it we are beasts who killed peacekeepers? What is it, please tell me why we have been ignored? Sure they (world community, mainly Europeans and USA pay some money to support conferences, but to the wrong people). Don’t you wonders how non democratic underdeveloped regime who represses his people might build a democratic government to his enemy? :confused: Hey, it reminds me the school back yard fights that never settle. Oops, I am outline here, but I can help to be patient anymore. Come to our aid, Put some your words into actions, Save some lives, and hear our cries.

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