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mataaq ii heesa...

:D:D matag miyaa ku heesay?? lalabna ma kugu riday?


you just desert for posting this topic on people who are fasting.


Nuune - jiinka u soo dhaamiya. smile.gif

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look now what you lot starving and missing my aargalaan coffee as well.


adam and nuune, i hope inaad besbaas ku sixatan caawa.


ps: dhago nug-laanta baan kugu jeclahay.

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Ibti, I never had any doubts about ur reer miyinimo, though alot of people do, cuz of ur long vowels :D


I see alot of improvements, thanks to da af jinni I guess


Muqmad, Luqmad, Oodkac, Collab, all da same, original word being collab as da true ancient word, the rest other than oodkac was derived from arabic.

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LOOOL @ thanks to Af jinni redface.gif and long vowels is not my fault. :mad:


Juxa as always you understood, but Adam does not know what "dhago nug-laanta" is, his somali no good, but now that you spelt it correctly, google is his friend. :D

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ibti the best teacher of afsomali is nuune, dont be fooled by his afjinni thing (it is fetish).


years ago he used to run E-afsomali clasess

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loool@google is his friend,



Sayid, adigu jimankaad la shaqeesataa niyahow, waxaan maqley shir jaraa'id baad qabanaysaa ku saabsan jimanka :D



Juxa, lool, aren't you da macalimada afka Soomaalka, waxeygu waa jacbur

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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

quote: mataaq ii heesa...


matag miyaa ku heesay?? lalabna ma kugu riday?


you just desert for posting this topic on people who are fasting.


Your a latecomer bro, you didn't see the horrible pics of slaughtered snakes from brother Nuune icon_razz.gif


dhago nug-laanta

what does this mean?, google uses the word in reference to Sharif Ahmed?


does it mean 'wet behind the ears'?


Dhago = Ear


Nug = Suck/as in thumbsucking


laanta = lack off


= lack off earsucking?


(wabba ii eegyahay wiilkaan :D no lie)

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hmmm let me see.


dhago nug-laan = gehoorzaam in dutch.


in english it means qof dhago fudud, does as he is told.



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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

dhago nug-laanta

what does this mean?, google uses the word in reference to Sharif Ahmed?


does it mean 'wet behind the ears'?


Dhago = Ear


Nug = Suck/as in thumbsucking


laanta = lack off


= lack off earsucking?


(wabba ii eegyahay wiilkaan
no lie)

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Adam ik had geen andere naam.


waadna ceebaysay reer holland are known for their command of good afsomali.

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:



I was going 'ew, ew, ew' at every food photo you posted and was ready to bash you until you posted this one. Now that's what I call delicious. How does one survive without baby blood this ramadan, eh smile.gif

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