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Deeq A.

Farmaajo orders the recruitment of thousands of secret police

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Deeq A.   

Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa ammar degdeg ah wuxuu ku bixiyey in la qoro kumanaan ciidamada dhar cadda ah oo amniga dalka ka qeybqaata. Sarkaal ka tirsan NISA ayaa xaqiijiyey in madaxweynaha ammarkaan uu bixiyey xalay saq dhexe, kadib markii uu u arkay in ciidamadaasi yihiin kuwa kaliya ee ammaanka sugi kara.

Ciidankaan oo shacabka u eg ayaa bulshada dhex galaya, waxaana ay keenayaan macluumaad badan oo amniga quseeya. Ciidamadan ayaa laga kala qori doonan qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida ardayda, ganacsatada, haweenka, dadka muruq maalka ah iyo kuwo kale. Dowlad walbo waxaa ay ku tiirsan tahay ciidamada dharka cad ee amniga suga, mid walbana ma yaqaano midka kale.

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This is work done when there is relative or total peace.

Recruiting intelligence people in a hurry and in unstable conditions is very dangerous. You could be paying to train and give access to opponents very easily.

But if he thinks is the right time, all success to him and his government.

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