Deeq A.

Pictures: To stop progress of government, now the street cleaners are poisoned

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Deeq A.   

Uguyaraan ilaa iyo 11l haween ah oo kamid ah dumarka ka shaqeeya Nadaafada ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa maanta lagu sumeeyay Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya.

Dumarkan oo kuguda jiray shaqo maalmeedkoodii caadiga ahaa  ayaa waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in nin watay gaari nooca raaxada ah ee ay Soomaalida utaqaano NOHA uu sun ku buufiyay dabadeedna uu goobta isaga baxsaday sida ay xaqijiiyee dad goob jooga yaal ah .


Haweenkan ayaa xaaladooda Caafimad waxaa lagula tacaalayaa Isbitaalada kuyaala Magaalada Muqdisho halkaas oo ay ku booqdeen eheladooda .

Dhaqaatiirta ayaa sheegay in Afar kamid ah haweenkan ay xaaladooda ay aad uliidato.

Waa dhacdo ku cusub Soomaaliya in nin inta uu gaari soo qaato uu sun ku buufiyo dumarka ka shaqeeya goobaha nadaafada ee dowladda.

Ha,adaha dambi baarista  ayaa gaaray goobaha Caafimaadka ee ladhigay Haweenkaasi la sumeeyay si ay u ogaadaan suntay waxa loo isticmaalay .

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It is amazing the length people would go to benefit from anarchy and lawlessness. An entire generation is lost. 

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If the cleaners are hired direct by the municipality could be Shabab

If the cleaners are working for this contractor or that contractor could be mafia competition

Very sad.

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