Deeq A.

UAE trained troops clash with NISA in Mogadishu

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Deeq A.   


Rival Somali government forces on Wednesday morning briefly clashed in the capital, Mogadishu.

Local residents near Tarbunka Square confirmed HOL the skermishes  and said that they could hear sparodic gunfire around area. It is yet unclear casualties and what has triggered the clashes between the two forces.

The movement people and vehicles in the area have been curtailed as the tension is still high. Sources close to initial investigation confirmed HOL that the clashes is between NISA and the forces trained by UAE based in Mogadishu. This is not the first time the government forces fought in the capital.

In January this year, two soldiers were killed and several other sustained injuries in similar incident. The security forces and the city's Stabilization forces engaged in brief gun battle following dispute

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Deeq A.   

Ugu yaraan 2 qof ayaa ku dhimatay halka labo kale ku dhaawacmeen kadib isku dhac ciidamada nabad sugidda iyo ciidan kale oo ay tababareen Imaaraadka Carabta, dagaalka waxaa uu ahaa Tarabuunka, Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Ra’isul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Xasan Kheyre oo arrintaasi ka hadlay waxaa uu sheegay in dagaalka ahaa mid  foolxun,   isaga oo intaasi raaciyay in askar qoryaha loogu dhiibay difaaca dalka, Kheyre oo arrintaasi ka hadlaya waxaa uu yiri “Mar hore waxaan leenahay in ciidamo kala duwan ay sugayaan ammaanka Muqdisho, iyada lafteedu waa horumar,  intaadan amniga sugin waa in aad adkeysaan wada shaqeytiinna, qalabkan iyo qoryahan waxaa la iidiinkugu dhiibay canshuurta shacabka laga uruuriyay  si amniga ku sugtaan, waxaan idiinka codsaneynaa adinka iyo taliyeyaashiina in aaney dhicin isku dhac ciidamo kala duwan, qalabkan waxaad u heysataan in aad u difaacdaan umadda iyo cadawga ijaafeeyay ee ma aha in aad isku qaldantaan”.

Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre waxaa uu taliyeyaasha ka codsaday in mar dambe qaladkan aanu soo laaban “taliyeyaasha waa inaad qaadaan tillaabo kasta si aaney isku qatalmin ciidamada”.

Arrinta in ay isku dhacaan ciidamo meelo kala duwan ka amar-qaata oo ka wada tirsan dowladda ayaa noqoday kuwa soo noq-noqda, arrintaas oo caadi ka noqotay meelo badan oo dalka ah.

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2 hours ago, Deeq A. said:

Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre waxaa uu taliyeyaasha ka codsaday in mar dambe qaladkan aanu soo laaban “taliyeyaasha waa inaad qaadaan tillaabo kasta si aaney isku qatalmin ciidamada”.

What does it mean governors or is meant to be commanders?

Is the fight has to do strictly with the money or is just control of an area?

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UAE is working hard to destabilize the country. This is just a small test. Its mercenaries are ready. 

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37 minutes ago, Holac said:

UAE is working hard to destabilize the country.


That was something that could be seen from thousands of miles away. SFG spent too much time on the issue of port.

The SFG should have registered opposition to the deal with Ethiopia. Even call the Ambassador or write a letter from PM to PM.

File official papers with all international institutions and move on. Work on another big agenda.

The longer you stay on this issue the easier for minister or MP to say the wrong thing or untimely thing. With the Bedewin everything is personal.


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