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I'll be surprised if you unearth loads of people between the ages of 17 to 30 that actually support a family back home. Good luck though.

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^^^Ngonge that is what I am investigating, the increasing number of people who don't support anyone regularly, which has been correlated with the decreasing decline of remittances and Diaspora initiated projects, as the older generation dies out. Now stop trying to get out of this with your billion excuses. I will send you the questions and a Dictaphone, so you can record yourself and post it back to me (Just incase you are gonna claim you are too shy to meet a Somali female. icon_razz.gif ) (seriously the option is there.)

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^^^I think all the Way to London is a bit to far for you A &T.


Ngonge: Only if you get your lovely wife to also answer the Questions? ;)

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Good luck, and share with us your findings, I may start data collection too, but only require girls for face to face interview :D

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Sorry Ibti, can't help you, although I kind of wish I could, then I could have a face-to-face interview. :D


Quick question though, why only Somaliland and not the rest of Somalia?

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Haneefa, you can say that again! :(


Dabshid :rolleyes: always looking out for your own personal interest, I see.


Cadaan: I'm going to give you the same response as I gave T &A


It is impossible to collect data for the whole of Somalia, unless you want fund a research team to help me and analysis etc, it is a fairly small sample focused in a certain sector. I can only do what is within my capacity [both brain and resources] and Inshallah I hope everyone can, so we can build some solid research on Somali people, both in the west and back home in Africa. Only then can we accurately plan for the future.


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