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JT INTERVIEW: Voice of a Somali Christian from Somalia

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Haddeeba diintooda go'aansadeen inay ka baxaan, Soomaalinimadana ha iskaga baxaan. Xoog iyo kiyaakaro ma jirto. Soomaalinimo iyo Islaanimo maba kala haraan. Just take a brief moment and ask yourself how will Soomaalis will be like if diinta Islaamka wada heysan lahayn? There would not be Soomaalinimo, iyadoo xataa diinta la wada heysto ayaaba muran yar yar jiro, wacdala Soomaali kala diin ah.

MMA, with all due respect, I think laba cali isma weydiineyso that Somalism and Islam are two enterely different concepts. The former worships the clan and the latter, Allah. Thus, someone can be a Christian and still remain a Somali. He/she can be an atheist and still be a Somali. We just need to get that straight.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

Koolkat exactly, toronto is more islamic then kuwaa islamka sheegta somalia or so called suadiya...u name it.

Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...


Ok ok, sorry...I'll be back when I finish laughing...


**Does he even know where Toronto is?**


Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...



How did I miss this?

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Aamina and Paragon, mowduucaan waa hore ayaan ka hadlay, mar labaadna inaa ku noq noqdo ma rabo.


If you do indeed want to see the reasoning of why I cannot separate Soomaali the identity, away from Islaanimo, the religion, then read this thread.


I will quote a post of mine from that thread, though.


It is about the Soomaalida and diinta. Same like Malays in Malaysia, who cannot be at the same time be a Malay and non-Muslim.


The day a Malay denounces his Islaanimo is the day he ceases to exist as a Malay. It is in the constitutional law of Malaysia. The other group I had given as an illustration is Bashtun of Afgaanistaan and Bakistaan, who are the largest tribal group in the world. [They are not clans, but tribes, and more numerous, numbering around 40 million, than the clans of Soomaalis.]


To Bashtuns, Islaam is part and parcel of their identity, sida ay anagana noogu tahay, sidee Malayga ugu tahay in Malaysia.


Others are Bosnian Muslims [bosniaks], whose very identity as a group depends on Islaanimo and its foundation. The other group is Uyghur in occupied East Turkistan [Xinjiang] of Shiinaha.


As you can see, Soomaalida are not unique in this matter.


My final point intaa ka bixin this thread: Diinta Islaamka is intrinsically, inherently interconnected Soomaalida and their unique culture.


In a nutshell, what makes us Soomaali is part of Islaanimo, cannot be separated. It has nothing to do with later-comers of surwaalgaab or reer seeflabood. Nothing.


Should one decide follow another way of life, s/he can easily forfeit their Soomaalinimo as well; their Soomaalinimo as well becoming void and null, i.e. Ayaan and whoever wants to join her is welcome, as long as ay faraha ka qaadaan Soomaalinimo.

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

How did I miss this?

I don't know how you missed it...Intee jirtay markuu boyfriendkaaga this smart comment sameeyay...I can't bewieve you...Bad, bad... :D

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Originally posted by umu zakaria:

khalaf Illaahay ka baq. Toronto is not more islamic than any other msulim country. How many gayz n lesbians, porn acters, drinkers, athiests, kufaar and hypocrites, killers, liers, ill mannered poeple who act openly with out xishood and who never repent to Allah sw?


Somalia is a muslim nation, yes they kill 4 no raeson, they loot and rape sometimes but the number of pple oo tawxiidka haysto outnumber any bad apple there. morever, tawbadaa u furan, u know Allah is qafuuru Arraxiim. how many pple pray daily and do acts that please Allah every minute in somalia for centuries, u compare that with a whole nation oo gaalo ah with very very few immigrant muslims.


Kuwo masiixga somalida isku sheegayaa, KK n MMA said it right.

Jzks sister for ur thoughts, I know all ur saying and agree smile.gif .....the point I was trying to make the muslims are far Islam ie somalis in somalia are killing each other, the muslims have love more for tribe/nation/race then Islam.


Originally posted by Zenobia:

^True, but there's a difference between a christian and an apostate, hon.

Just an example, fellow nomads Cara and Johnny B were "muslims" and now faithless athiests, would u support their condemenation to death Zenobia? an honest question.




This idea that Islam is in the west that some Muslims run with needs to be put to rest. It's lame. If you want to live with gaalo and have them tolerate you, be blessed. However great the west is, it still has nothing on a place where the Name of Allah is invoked 5 times a day.

The entire world is the kingdom of Allah, the entire earth there will be someone who invokes Allah Most High 5 times a day. smile.gif there is saying about the companions ra they went to all corners of the world, mixed with many ppl and cultures, religions ect but always carried islam with them. In my opinion, westerners at least americans are generally nice ppl, the muslims in the west are in unique position, ppl will witness Islam from us, i had friends convert to Islam, and non-muslims convert all the time because of our presence here. It is my opinion the true Muslims are here, our jihad will be greater because we don't live in Muslim lands.

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:


Originally posted by Khalaf:

Koolkat exactly, toronto is more islamic then kuwaa islamka sheegta somalia or so called suadiya...u name it.

Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...


Ok ok, sorry...I'll be back when I finish laughing...


**Does he even know where Toronto is?**


Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...



How did I miss this?
loooooooool@ how did i miss this.! War ya Ilheey yaqaan! Labadaan gabdaho wa igu af barteen, wheres my bookooraat edeeb aan uu yeleh....after i am done with both of u........i promise ull be acting straight.

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Khalaf, let's see how far you get with your baakoorad...Adi lee amaan your own baakoorad kula dhacee, ee meeshaas ceeb ka imadaa...Wale ima taqaanid, barasho baa na'isugu keen

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^ :D


wa ii daafiwayso so ma ahaan....aiiit.... i forget in a thay a mrs...wa igu ceeb....saan dhaqan noo ma ahaan...marka googaal baan diigaanaya, wa saas talado....tolka baan ku yeyraya. in aa thay qoof walaan oo sheeikqaan miskeenka ah ka faraxbaxsanwayey....ceebtada waa baanaka hadaba. :D


thepoint, inantaas is not nice...jiinyo bey qaabta. :D

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^You’ve totally missed the point but whatever you say my truly Muslim brother. Do you know Somalis don't even makeup 1% of the global Muslim population...!


LOL. I'm not interested in Johnny and Cara.




I don't know what you're talking about. :confused: Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country where many religions besides Islam (the state religion) are followed by the Malaysians. Bosinians were a Muslim minority ethnic group living amongst NoneMuslims.


A Somali that leaves Islam is not going to forget the language, the culture (which is largely un-Islamic to begin with) nor will they start growing hairs on their forehead.


We were idol worshipping cawaan before Islam came to us. WTH. We’re still idol (qabiil)worshiping cawaans even with Islam in our midst, or have you not noticed?

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