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Doing research for book, need help!

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However, the educational system had a vast change in early 1970s, affecting both rural and urban people. Soomaali language was made as an official language and was the only language thought at schools, from primarily to colleges.

Not all schools were taught Somali and Somali wasn't the only language taught at schools. And Somali in Colleges? What are those colleges?


As for Kaya, if you are serious about this project, go to the libraries and do extensive research on Somalia and its culture or what ever that you're trying to find. Asking people of ideas would take you no where. My 2 cents...

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Thank you Malika for the book suggestion, I actually have two of Farah's books coming to me soon, but neither is the one you told me about but rather is more recent work. I checked on Amazon and it looks really interesting (was able to read the first 6 or so pages online), will have to go back to the library for that one!

I am reading everything I can get my hands on about Somalia, but the more I read, the more questions seem to come up! Some things are just not in the books... I think, however, I'll keep reading and making notes and then come back here later to discuss. I still have 5 books to go through plus the ones that I don't have yet - phew. I guess I know what I'm doing this summer vacation LOL

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^Your right,somethings are not in books,perhaps it will be worth your while if you could mingle with Somalis.


May I ask,Why a Somali character? What is the genre of your book?

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MMA, when you say public schools, do Arab school come under that? I am sure you know there were all Arabic medium schools. Also, wasn't taught Arabic and ingiriis at home.


As for Gaheyr, I thought it was all Italian.

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Kaya, as I said before, good luck. I am scribling something myself, 2 books at once. The good thing with me is that I have some insight into the habits of my characters, and also most of the story happens here in the UK. I think the most difficult part is constructing a profile/history for a character that lived in pre-civil war Somalia. I think the best option, rather than reading only, is to talk to actual Somalis who grew up and studied during those periods. Sometimes just talking to them really makes things alittle easier. Their fond memories and not-so-font memories back then register on their faces as they reminiscingly retell how good or bad life was.


I'd say you should go to your local Somali restaurants if you live near a Somali populated area. Travel if you have to. As in every other community, vanity is indeed the answer to your questions. Praise them for sharing their stories and behold them in awe if they held a high occupational post and you should get all your asnwers. :D


Anyway, there's nothing useful I can tell you about these characters you are researching but one advice would be: don't rely so much on Nurradin's writing. Look for less popularSomali writers whom you might glean more realistic insights from their works. Nuradin's work is far too polished, written disputedly and exhibited to impress non-Somali Western readers rather than inform.



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Malika and Paragon, I'm attempting literary fiction and one of the characters is Somali because the story is based on something that happened to me long time ago (which involved a Somali man). In a nutshell I would say the book is about humanity; in the end we all are carved from the same wood even if we come from different origins.


And write what you know, that is like the first thing every writing teacher ever tells you, and they are right! Unfortunately this story haunts me, and I have this strange obsession to write it down! Unfortunately I am no longer in touch with this Somali man I met a long time ago. He had AMAZING stories to tell and some of them will make their way in my book (lucky for me I wrote in a diary then!). This book, however, is a work of FICTION, for the sake of making it a tad more interesting. There are also so many details I never got to know from this man, had I known I was going to write a book about it afterwards, I would have been interviewing him LOL. So I'm really trying to fill in the gaps and make it believable.


Unfortunately where I live there are not a lot of Somalis, but I am planning to get in touch with some real people (not that you aren't real, but you know, face to face :). I have some ideas of how to go about it through a friend of a friend... In the meanwhile, I'm reading my "text books" which are helpful on some level to understand the facts and am also reading lots of the threads here. I find your culture just as intriguing as I did years ago, but am just now starting to understand a fraction of it!


Luckily the rest of the book (the other main character) is all familiar stuff to me, so I'm only really struggling to make this one piece believable.


Thanks both of you, I'm sure I'll be back with some questions soon enough... and good luck with your writing Paragon,we just have to keep at it and then one day maybe, we'll publish?


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^Lol. Thanks. One day we will publish. Mine is planned for the end of next year. I am in pause now writing something else will get back to it as possible. I have written over 100 pages and going strong it's just that other things I use to write for erm living come up every now and then. I am sure you can understand the dilemas.


Anyway g'luuck and be back.

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kaye, if you know this individuals name ( i mean his first three names) and what tribe or sub-clan he hails from and where you last saw him/lived/worked.


then it may be possible to get into contact with him again (if he's alive)


Assuming all that then i believe finding him should'nt be too diffcult, may take a while but ultimately he will be located.


i have found numerous old friends on this manner. The most recent one of which is all the way in Australia. :D


just tap into the tribal database


just a thought smile.gif

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